

0-day streak
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
RockPaperScissorsGame: A Battle Between Humans and AI Driven by Algorithms Rock, paper, scissors! Everyone has played this game, but have you ever played it against an AI? People often think that rock, paper, scissors is a "fair, lucky, and random" game, but is it really? In theory, random rock, paper, scissors would indeed be fair and random. However, because we're human (or maybe aliens), the choices we make aren't truly random, which means they can be tracked! This project attempts to use algorithms to track and predict the user's choices in rock, paper, scissors. It's fascinating to see how weak you can be once you start playing against the AI. Play and lose—you'll only see yourself losing as you go on! However, the current development progress is far from perfect. The AI's win rate isn't very high, and there are some bugs due to time and technical constraints. I hope to continue improving it in the future! GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/RockPaperScissorsGame_Flask
RockPaperScissorsGame: A Battle Between Humans and AI Driven by Algorithms Rock, paper, scissors! Everyone has played this game, but have you ever played it against an AI? People often think that rock, paper, scissors is a "fair, lucky, and random" game, but is it really? In theory, random rock, paper, scissors would indeed be fair and random. However, because we're human (or maybe aliens), the choices we make aren't truly random, which means they can be tracked! This project attempts to use algorithms to track and predict the user's choices in rock, paper, scissors. It's fascinating to see how weak you can be once you start playing against the AI. Play and lose—you'll only see yourself losing as you go on! However, the current development progress is far from perfect. The AI's win rate isn't very high, and there are some bugs due to time and technical constraints. I hope to continue improving it in the future! GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/RockPaperScissorsGame_Flask
RockPaperScissorsGame: A Battle Between Humans and AI Driven by Algorithms Rock, paper, scissors! Everyone has played this game, but have you ever played it against an AI? People often think that rock, paper, scissors is a "fair, lucky, and random" game, but is it really? In theory, random rock, paper, scissors would indeed be fair and random. However, because we're human (or maybe aliens), the choices we make aren't truly random, which means they can be tracked! This project attempts to use algorithms to track and predict the user's choices in rock, paper, scissors. It's fascinating to see how weak you can be once you start playing against the AI. Play and lose—you'll only see yourself losing as you go on! However, the current development progress is far from perfect. The AI's win rate isn't very high, and there are some bugs due to time and technical constraints. I hope to continue improving it in the future! GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/RockPaperScissorsGame_Flask
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
docker emoji
github emoji
minecraft emoji
summer-of-making emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
github emoji
docker emoji
minecraft emoji
summer-of-making emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
summer-of-making emoji
docker emoji
minecraft emoji
github emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example: [groups] [groups.survival] fromHostname = "survival.elfisland.net" serverName = "survival" hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo maxInstance = 3 playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25 # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder) autoRestartInterval = 1440 # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval) transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval) postShutdownWait = 3 [groups.island] fromHostname = "island.elfisland.net" serverName = "island" hubServer = "hub" maxInstance = 3 playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50 autoRestartInterval = 1440 transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] postShutdownWait = 3 [templates] [templates.survival] serverOnlineDelay = 5 nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node" description = "Multi-Paper Worker" dockerImage = "ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17" locationId = 1 nestId = 1 eggId = 15 defaultOwnerId = 1 cpuAmount = 200 memoryAmount = 2048 diskAmount = 5120 skipInitScript = false [templates.survival.environmentValues] SERVERJARFILE = "server.jar" [templates.island] serverOnlineDelay = 5 nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node" description = "Paper" dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java17>" locationId = 1 nestId = 1 eggId = 16 defaultOwnerId = 1 cpuAmount = 200 memoryAmount = 2048 diskAmount = 5120 skipInitScript = false [templates.survival.environmentValues] SERVERJARFILE = "server.jar" With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
minecraft emoji
docker emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
minecraft emoji
docker emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
github emoji
docker emoji
summer-of-making emoji
minecraft emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
docker emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
minecraft emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Streamline
summer-of-making emoji
docker emoji
minecraft emoji
github emoji
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.)
StreamLineNet (FlexNet): A Multi-Server Automation and Balancing System for Minecraft Servers This plugin is designed for large Minecraft servers! Traditionally, we could only use fixed servers on Velocity to balance players. However, player numbers change over time. On average, according to my experience running my own server and statistics from some Taiwanese servers, during off-peak hours, player numbers are less than 30% of those during peak times. This means that if we keep these load-balancing servers running all the time, it would be a waste of resources. StreamLineNet (FlexNet) offers a new solution by allowing management teams to set up "templates." Templates can be thought of as packaged server settings, similar to Docker images. Within a template, you can configure individual settings for each server type, including (but not limited to) maximum instance numbers, automatic restart intervals, the number of players needed to create a new instance, restart warnings, etc. This provides rich customization options and features. For example:
    fromHostname = "<http://survival.elfisland.net|survival.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "survival"
    hubServer = "hub" # Recommend using NanoLimbo
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 25
    # Restart every few minutes (-&gt;execute restart task and start reminder)
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    # Reminder of how many seconds until kicking (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    # After kicking the player, wait a few minutes before closing the server (not included in autoRestartInterval)
    postShutdownWait = 3

    fromHostname = "<http://island.elfisland.net|island.elfisland.net>"
    serverName = "island"
    hubServer = "hub"
    maxInstance = 3
    playerAmountToCreateInstance = 50
    autoRestartInterval = 1440
    transferWarningIntervals = [1800, 900, 600, 300, 240, 180, 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    postShutdownWait = 3

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Survival Node"
    description = "Multi-Paper Worker"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 15
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
        SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"

    serverOnlineDelay = 5
    nameTemplate = "[StreamlineNet] Island Node"
    description = "Paper"
    dockerImage = "<http://ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17|ghcr.io/pterodactyl/yolks:java_17>"
    locationId = 1
    nestId = 1
    eggId = 16
    defaultOwnerId = 1
    cpuAmount = 200
    memoryAmount = 2048
    diskAmount = 5120
    skipInitScript = false
    SERVER_JARFILE = "server.jar"
With StreamLineNet, the development team can focus more on creating new gameplay features instead of constantly worrying about performance issues. (Note: StreamLineNet is still in development and currently has some bugs. There's even a memory leak issue under certain circumstances, but I'm working hard to fix it.)
Autodocswriter, a tool that supports automatic documentation writing for projects in an entire folder. With the support of OpenAI's AI, writing documents (Readme, API, wiki) is no longer a hassle! This is just the initial code. Due to having too many unreviewed sessions, a bug has occurred that prevents me from selecting other sessions for submission review. As a result, I have to clear some sessions, so this version is still unfinished. I will continue to update and maintain it (expected by the end of August). GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Auto_docs_writer
Autodocswriter, a tool that supports automatic documentation writing for projects in an entire folder. With the support of OpenAI's AI, writing documents (Readme, API, wiki) is no longer a hassle! This is just the initial code. Due to having too many unreviewed sessions, a bug has occurred that prevents me from selecting other sessions for submission review. As a result, I have to clear some sessions, so this version is still unfinished. I will continue to update and maintain it (expected by the end of August). GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/Auto_docs_writer
playerdatasync_mongodb: A Minecraft Cross-Server Data Synchronization Plugin Traditional synchronization plugins mostly rely on MySQL, which is not very friendly for MMORPG servers. In my own server project (currently under development), I use MongoDB as the database instead, which led me to develop this plugin. It can be used to store players' basic data and statistics across different servers! The plugin is still in development and will continue to be updated and maintained. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/playerdatasync_mongodb
summer-of-making emoji
minecraft emoji
github emoji
AnonymousForFB: A Modern Anonymous Posting Platform with AI Moderation In Taiwan, there is a popular online culture known as the "Kao Bei Board" (靠北版). This platform allows people to anonymously submit posts about their complaints, feelings, confessions, and more. After moderation, these posts are anonymously shared on Facebook or Instagram. While this creates a vibrant space for exchange and communication, there are always individuals who attempt to post inappropriate content, such as pornography or personal privacy violations. As a result, "moderation" has become an essential task. However, many Kao Bei Board administrators do not profit from this work, leading to long update times for some boards. Enter AnonymousForFB, a modern platform that integrates AI for automatic moderation, significantly reducing the workload of human moderators! This project is currently a prototype, with ongoing updates and improvements planned. GitHub repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/anonymousforfb
BanNi, an assistant on Line (a popular communication app in Taiwan, similar to Instagram)! It can help you record daily trivial matters, listen to your troubles, and chat with you like a friend! (Since my pending session list exceeds 50 items, I need to clear some unfinished projects first. Therefore, this is still a very incomplete state, and I will continue working on this project to make it more complete in the future.) GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/BanNi
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
instagram emoji
OpenAI Assistant Python Package Although OpenAI Assistant significantly reduces the burden on developers, I still find that creating Assistants or Agents takes considerable time when developing other projects. Therefore, I thought, "What if there was a package that could allow me to quickly and easily create an OpenAI Assistant or Agent, with support for image input and function calls?" Thus, this project was born! Use pip install openai-assistant to install it! You can find the basic usage instructions on the GitHub repository. Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/openai_assistant_python --- this is a update scrapbook
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
python emoji
6573 Realty 6573 Realty is a rental search website enhanced by AI! Sellers (landlords or agents) can simply input the price, address, and public facilities, and upload photos. The AI will then generate corresponding titles, descriptions, and list the facilities in the house based on the photos. This makes it convenient and fast for landlords, saving them from spending a lot of time thinking about titles and inputting tedious information! For buyers, we use a tag mechanism. Each property has a set of tags that describe it. By combining these tags, we can accurately describe the property. Therefore, by obtaining the user's preferred tags and fitting the similarity between the user's preferences and the property's tags, we can achieve the best algorithmic results. This significantly reduces the time spent searching for a desired property, saving more than 90% of the time! 65, 73? Why is it called 6573 Realty? Because in the ASCII table, A is 65 and I is 73. We hope to revolutionize the search method with AI! >> Since the project is quite large, it cannot be completed within 25 hours. Therefore, I will release it in several stages << >> Since it uses a lot of OpenAI models, I am temporarily unable to provide a demo website. I don't want to go bankrupt in one page, sorry << Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/6573Realty ---- this is a update scrapbook
thinking emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
AITicket, a Ticket System on Discord It integrates with LLM API to analyze user intentions and create specialized service category channels, allowing customer service to understand issues more quickly! It also supports automated interviews, saving real interviewers a significant amount of time! GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/AITicket Then I encountered some bugs. I maybe unable to see all my AITicket sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts.
AutoPay, an automated payment processing bot on Discord and web, integrates PayPal, AFDian (a Chinese payment platform), and NewebPay (a Taiwanese payment platform). It allows users to make automatic payments directly on Discord without the need for manual processing. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/AutoPay Then I encountered some bugs. I am unable to see all my AutoPay sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts.
A Travel Planning Tool Empowered by AI - Time Traveler It can significantly reduce the time users spend on travel planning. Traditionally, when we plan a trip, we need to browse through numerous websites, watch YouTube videos, and look up guides on Instagram and TikTok. At the same time, we also need to compare each accommodation, restaurant, and attraction. This undoubtedly hinders your travel experience. Why can't we save the planning time and spend more time enjoying the journey? Hence, Time Traveler was born. Not only can it help you plan your trip, but it can also assist you in dealing with unexpected situations during your journey! Additionally, it acts as a thoughtful assistant, reminding you of various items to bring before your trip, even those you might not have thought of! For example, if you are heading to the mountains and forget to bring mosquito repellent or sunscreen, you could end up with mosquito bites all over your body or have your months of effort to maintain fair skin wasted. But now, with Time Traveler, all these problems will be solved. Since this project is quite large, it cannot be completed within 25 hours. Additionally, due to my old computer, I cannot code efficiently, so I expect this project to take 60~80hours. This is only the first phase of the project, with the second and third phases to be released and continuously updated in the future. Moreover, since the entire project is not yet complete and uses a lot of OpenAI models, I cannot open my demo website for everyone to test at this stage because it costs me real money, and I don't want to go bankrupt overnight. Please understand, thank you! But I promise, I will offer a limited free trial when the entire project is complete. Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/Time_Traveler --- At this stage, some bugs and errors have been fixed to improve accuracy, and the process has been optimized slightly.
instagram emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
LinguAI is an online text optimization and essay writing assistance system. It helps people organize ideas and collaborate with AI to generate more ideas. It can also search for information online and compile what users want to research into a PDF within minutes. Additionally, it assists with format checking, automatic grading, and more! With LinguAI, users can take their articles and essays to the next level. This will be released in three to four phases because the overall design is quite extensive, and it cannot be released in increments of more than 25 hours at a time. Then I encountered some bugs. I am unable to see all my LinguAI sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/LinguAII
A Travel Planning Tool Empowered by AI - Time Traveler It can significantly reduce the time users spend on travel planning. Traditionally, when we plan a trip, we need to browse through numerous websites, watch YouTube videos, and look up guides on Instagram and TikTok. At the same time, we also need to compare each accommodation, restaurant, and attraction. This undoubtedly hinders your travel experience. Why can't we save the planning time and spend more time enjoying the journey? Hence, Time Traveler was born. Not only can it help you plan your trip, but it can also assist you in dealing with unexpected situations during your journey! Additionally, it acts as a thoughtful assistant, reminding you of various items to bring before your trip, even those you might not have thought of! For example, if you are heading to the mountains and forget to bring mosquito repellent or sunscreen, you could end up with mosquito bites all over your body or have your months of effort to maintain fair skin wasted. But now, with Time Traveler, all these problems will be solved. Since this project is quite large, it cannot be completed within 25 hours. Additionally, due to my old computer, I cannot code efficiently, so I expect this project to take &gt;=100 hours. This is only the first phase of the project, with the second and third phases to be released and continuously updated in the future. Moreover, since the entire project is not yet complete and uses a lot of OpenAI models, I cannot open my demo website for everyone to test at this stage because it costs me real money, and I don't want to go bankrupt overnight. Please understand, thank you! But I promise, I will offer a limited free trial when the entire project is complete. Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/Time_Traveler --- At this stage, some bugs and errors have been fixed to improve accuracy, and the process has been optimized slightly.
summer-of-making emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
instagram emoji
github emoji
LinguAI is an online text optimization and essay writing assistance system. It helps people organize ideas and collaborate with AI to generate more ideas. It can also search for information online and compile what users want to research into a PDF within minutes. Additionally, it assists with format checking, automatic grading, and more! With LinguAI, users can take their articles and essays to the next level. This will be released in three to four phases because the overall design is quite extensive, and it cannot be released in increments of more than 25 hours at a time. Then I encountered some bugs. I am unable to see all my LinguAI sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/LinguAII
AITicket, a Ticket System on Discord It integrates with LLM API to analyze user intentions and create specialized service category channels, allowing customer service to understand issues more quickly! It also supports automated interviews, saving real interviewers a significant amount of time! GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/AITicket Then I encountered some bugs. I maybe unable to see all my AITicket sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts.
AutoPay, an automated payment processing bot on Discord and web, integrates PayPal, AFDian (a Chinese payment platform), and NewebPay (a Taiwanese payment platform). It allows users to make automatic payments directly on Discord without the need for manual processing. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/AutoPay Then I encountered some bugs. I am unable to see all my AutoPay sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts.
LinguAI is an online text optimization and essay writing assistance system. It helps people organize ideas and collaborate with AI to generate more ideas. It can also search for information online and compile what users want to research into a PDF within minutes. Additionally, it assists with format checking, automatic grading, and more! With LinguAI, users can take their articles and essays to the next level. This will be released in three to four phases because the overall design is quite extensive, and it cannot be released in increments of more than 25 hours at a time. Then I encountered some bugs. I am unable to see all my LinguAI sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/LinguAII
LinguAI is an online text optimization and essay writing assistance system. It helps people organize ideas and collaborate with AI to generate more ideas. It can also search for information online and compile what users want to research into a PDF within minutes. Additionally, it assists with format checking, automatic grading, and more! With LinguAI, users can take their articles and essays to the next level. This will be released in three to four phases because the overall design is quite extensive, and it cannot be released in increments of more than 25 hours at a time. Then I encountered some bugs. I am unable to see all my LinguAI sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/LinguAII
AutoPay, an automated payment processing bot on Discord and web, integrates PayPal, AFDian (a Chinese payment platform), and NewebPay (a Taiwanese payment platform). It allows users to make automatic payments directly on Discord without the need for manual processing. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/AutoPay
LinguAI is an online text optimization and essay writing assistance system. It helps people organize ideas and collaborate with AI to generate more ideas. It can also search for information online and compile what users want to research into a PDF within minutes. Additionally, it assists with format checking, automatic grading, and more! With LinguAI, users can take their articles and essays to the next level. This will be released in three to four phases because the overall design is quite extensive, and it cannot be released in increments of more than 25 hours at a time. Then I encountered some bugs. I am unable to see all my LinguAI sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/LinguAII
LinguAI is an online text optimization and essay writing assistance system. It helps people organize ideas and collaborate with AI to generate more ideas. It can also search for information online and compile what users want to research into a PDF within minutes. Additionally, it assists with format checking, automatic grading, and more! With LinguAI, users can take their articles and essays to the next level. This will be released in three to four phases because the overall design is quite extensive, and it cannot be released in increments of more than 25 hours at a time. GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/LinguAII
LinguAI is an online text optimization and essay writing assistance system. It helps people organize ideas and collaborate with AI to generate more ideas. It can also search for information online and compile what users want to research into a PDF within minutes. Additionally, it assists with format checking, automatic grading, and more! With LinguAI, users can take their articles and essays to the next level. This will be released in three to four phases because the overall design is quite extensive, and it cannot be released in increments of more than 25 hours at a time. Here is the part for the first 25 hours, along with our entire plan and flowchart (which may be a bit blurry). GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/LinguAII
6573 Realty 6573 Realty is a rental search website enhanced by AI! Sellers (landlords or agents) can simply input the price, address, and public facilities, and upload photos. The AI will then generate corresponding titles, descriptions, and list the facilities in the house based on the photos. This makes it convenient and fast for landlords, saving them from spending a lot of time thinking about titles and inputting tedious information! For buyers, we use a tag mechanism. Each property has a set of tags that describe it. By combining these tags, we can accurately describe the property. Therefore, by obtaining the user's preferred tags and fitting the similarity between the user's preferences and the property's tags, we can achieve the best algorithmic results. This significantly reduces the time spent searching for a desired property, saving more than 90% of the time! 65, 73? Why is it called 6573 Realty? Because in the ASCII table, A is 65 and I is 73. We hope to revolutionize the search method with AI! &gt;&gt; Since the project is quite large, it cannot be completed within 25 hours. Therefore, I will release it in several stages &lt;&lt; &gt;&gt; Since it uses a lot of OpenAI models, I am temporarily unable to provide a demo website. I don't want to go bankrupt in one page, sorry &lt;&lt; Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/6573Realty The demo video is in Chinese (text). I apologize for not having an English version available. I will provide an English version in a future update.
OpenAI Assistant Python Package Although OpenAI Assistant significantly reduces the burden on developers, I still find that creating Assistants or Agents takes considerable time when developing other projects. Therefore, I thought, "What if there was a package that could allow me to quickly and easily create an OpenAI Assistant or Agent, with support for image input and function calls?" Thus, this project was born! Use pip install openai-assistant to install it! You can find the basic usage instructions on the GitHub repository. Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/openai_assistant_python
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
python emoji
A Travel Planning Tool Empowered by AI - Time Traveler It can significantly reduce the time users spend on travel planning. Traditionally, when we plan a trip, we need to browse through numerous websites, watch YouTube videos, and look up guides on Instagram and TikTok. At the same time, we also need to compare each accommodation, restaurant, and attraction. This undoubtedly hinders your travel experience. Why can't we save the planning time and spend more time enjoying the journey? Hence, Time Traveler was born. Not only can it help you plan your trip, but it can also assist you in dealing with unexpected situations during your journey! Additionally, it acts as a thoughtful assistant, reminding you of various items to bring before your trip, even those you might not have thought of! For example, if you are heading to the mountains and forget to bring mosquito repellent or sunscreen, you could end up with mosquito bites all over your body or have your months of effort to maintain fair skin wasted. But now, with Time Traveler, all these problems will be solved. Since this project is quite large, it cannot be completed within 25 hours. Additionally, due to my old computer, I cannot code efficiently, so I expect this project to take &gt;=100 hours. This is only the first phase of the project, with the second and third phases to be released and continuously updated in the future. Moreover, since the entire project is not yet complete and uses a lot of OpenAI models, I cannot open my demo website for everyone to test at this stage because it costs me real money, and I don't want to go bankrupt overnight. Please understand, thank you! But I promise, I will offer a limited free trial when the entire project is complete. Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Xiaobonor/Time_Traveler If you plan to self-host, you will need the following API keys: • OpenAI (or Azure OpenAI) • Azure (Bing Search API) • Cloudflare Turnstile • Google (OAuth) • Mapbox The Docker image has not been updated yet, so using Docker is not recommended. That's all, thank you!