

0-day streak
Okay and today I continued building my first website with Next, TS, Tailwind, some turbo and everything else... I literally just clicked Yes yes yes during creating the app lol It now correctly grabs Pokemons from API, first time using any API so it's a nice feeling. Final day - Thanksgiving day 6 completed!!!
Okay, maybe not tracked with Hackatime, but done definitely far more than one hour on Airtable script to mark and then a second one to merge duplicate users. Chris believe me please... Thanksgiving day 5 completed! (If Chris believes and it isn't fully automated)
Okay, today a little break from gamedev, it's time for a website. Lately once I smelled something I was like OH GOSH I NEED TO PLAY POKEMONS (it's crazy how some smell can remind us of smth). I didn't turn on the Nintendo Switch yet for this, but learning how to use my first API might be a fun lesson, so let's make it related to Pokemons. Thanksgiving day 4 saved!
Okay, unproductive day as heck, but... Here we go, gun is semi fixed, day 3 of thanksgiving done!
Having issues with game, but let's say it's going well. One hour definitely done, I was debugging something only to get to know that one feature doesn't work on Forward+ mode properly... And I can't get gun to show up for my character, but it's currently just a character walking on your desktop lol
I'm still getting to know Godot, so I'm trying to learn by making more complex things than I can. This is a playground to learn about not mainly making games, but about Godot 2D features overall. I will probably move later to the easier games, but I need to learn about making RPG games. This is an update post. I've added attacks, inventory, ability to drop items and pick them up, equip weapons and currently ability to select spells (which aren't implemented yet). Here's repo:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Finally finished my first game without any help! Assets are made almost entirely by me, not counting the sound effects. I learnt a lot - how to manage workflow of building a game, how to use Godot, create sprtiesheets, animations. How to implement player's movement which differs from typical one. And many other things! I still have a long way to go, but I will definitely try to improve myself! Here's repo:
I've started my first game without ANY help from the internet (I'm too used to use it). This game will be my MiniJam Destruction themed entry - which is my first entry ever in a game jam too. This will be an endless running game, with 4 lines, enemies and objects that give score after destroying them. Currently, there is MY OWN graphics, scrolling background, player's movement, object movement and mechanic to spawn random ones. There is also attack, which currently only shows explosion effect. Here's my repo:
Reached my first goal in a project which is made to learn more about Godot: Player movement using newly learnt movement type and collisions, I also made TileLayers instead of TileMaps, to learn about the upcoming features. Here's repo:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Finally finished my Sprig game! It's a RPG where you train your SpriMon. What's the best? It's Arcade event themed! If people will want, I can make it even more advanced, add catching mechanics and more. I would love to make it a full game with much more details and a better, far more longer story in a Game Engine. It was a fun way to learn JS for the first time! Here's repo: <| > Play it here:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
This is PyMaker, a platformer. (jumping on enemies is almost an insta kill but let's not talk about that)
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
A very small version of git, currently only initializes and hashes/rehashes files but it will be further developed when I learn more, for now it is usable with 3 commands:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji