

0-day streak
For my AI Notes app, I added items to the application menu and added functionality for closing tabs! I also fixed some bugs and made some other small changes.
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You can now create multiple tabs and windows in my AI Notes app!
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I've been working more on the AI blocks within my AI Notes app, and the user can now also customize the color of block group markers!
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I've been working on improving my AI notes app! There's a lot of changes, such as more flexibility for moving and deleting blocks, support for images within blocks, and some initial work on the AI blocks.
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I finished polishing my Arcade Lookup tool! It's a Next.js project that shows all your Arcade session data using the API.
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I'm working on a notes app! I haven't really found any notes apps that work super well for my use cases, so I wanted to make one of my own! My plan is to also integrate AI in the near future. It's still a work in progress. More info in the README!
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I'm making a Discord Popcat bot! It's a fun (and maybe mildly annoying) Discord bot that plays popcat sounds while you and your friends are voice calling. It's still a work in progress, but a lot of the core functionality is there. This version of the bot has randomness disabled (for testing purposes), but the bot will behave more randomly in the future.
Part 3 of my Sprig game!
I made a tool that lists all your Arcade sessions using the API! It uses Next.js and can be ran locally. Check it out here!
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I made some more changes to my Electron studying tool! It now has flashcards, as well as an AI assistant for extracting questions from pictures of materials/textbooks/etc.
Part 2 of my Sprig game! :)
I wanted to brush up on React, so I made a Tic-Tac-Toe game based on their tutorial! To also make it unique from the tutorial's output, I worked through challenges #1-5 listed at the bottom and implemented each of them. :) Soon, I'll be posting some more scrapbook posts for projects I made using React!
For Hackaccino, I made a 3D game where you're surrounded by colored shapes and have to click the one that matches the displayed shape. The objective is to (correctly) click as many as you can before the time runs out. You can play it here!
I've been working on an Electron app that quizzes you throughout the day. You can input questions/answers, and then the pop quizzes will quiz you on that material throughout the day! I want this to be useful and somewhat polished, so it's far from done--I'll probably be posting more scrapbook posts for it in the future. :)
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I needed some ideas for a project, and the idea generator on the Arcade home page suggested I make "a random virtual pet that changes colors and shapes every time you feed it." This seemed simple enough for a quick, goofy project that could just run in a browser. I decided to make some quick shapes in Figma for a simplistic 2D "pet." But the question was: how do you feed the pet? Since this was made as part of Hack Club, and since us hackers use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V so frequently, I thought it made sense to feed the pet from your clipboard. A little "bubble" appears to show what's currently on your clipboard, and then you can press Ctrl/Cmd + V to feed all the text from your clipboard to your pet. Per the initial suggestion, it changes shape/color as you feed it from your clipboard. Is it useful? No, not really. But Orpheus told me to make it, and so I made it
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I find that informative YouTube videos can oftentimes be compressed into a much briefer summary. In an attempt to decrease the time spent watching these videos, I created YouTube Summarizer, a Chrome extension that summarizes YT videos and allows you to ask follow-up questions about them. When clicking the "Chat" button, it feeds the video's transcript to GPT-4o and returns a summary. Its context also includes timestamps, so you can more quickly find a spot in the video you're watching by simply asking.
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I made a silly Python program that randomly types characters and moves your mouse. In other words, it makes your mouse and keyboard act in unexpected.. and perhaps annoying.. ways. Tested on macOS Sonoma.