

0-day streak
REPOST! vvv Final changes to my personal website (for now of course)! It's been a great run! I've added a few more posts, finished up "Four Horsemen," and I am in the process of adding a programming projects gallery Here is the site, changes are live! --> Here is the site hosting repo: And here is the code repo: Alrighty then, tis is it! Go check out my website, listen to some of my music on there, and drop a message by! I'll definitely read it! May the gods of SCSS bring you the fortune they did not bring me
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And thus, here is my final track for the Four Horsemen album: Death ☠️ I'm very glad I picked up what I put down for the "Famine" track, because I got to add some really fun elements to this song Here is the repo: And attached is the track: For being the final piece in this album, I think it certainly lives up to the hype, but I still feel like the ending does not deliver as much of a satisfying closure as well as it does for Famine. I might still come back to that and improve the delivery, but what do yall think? I would love to hear some feedback! The main part of this song aside from the guitars is the church bell, and I'm glad that it got to produce the sound that it produces currently. I think this is the most I've ever used the modulator feature ever as well for any track! This is also my second longest track ever behind "Pestilence" There may be more updates to this album, as War seems to have too much distortion going for it to compete with these newer tracks Anyways, let me know if I cooked 🔥 🤘 or got cooked! 🍳
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I added a new section of tracks to my website! I also buffed up the music page with 2 new features: • Added download buttons for my tracks' JSONs so you can experiment with them on your own in BeepBox/JummBox • Added a cool banner! Very cool! (Custom designed in Canva) The image rendering problem for one of my lists has still not gone away 😞 I'll have to reconfigure some directories or something cus it's perfectly fine in the dev build running form VScode Listen to some of my tracks, and see if you could remix them into something cool! Then use the contact page so you can send me the share links to yall's creations lol! Here is the site: Here is the hosting repo: Here is the code repo:
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I'm back with another track! And this one actually has good volume control! 🔥 This is the third installment of my new series of tracks, Four Horsemen. I present you with Famine this time: Here is the repo: And here is the actual track: In this track, I used 2 guitar lines over adjacent octaves to create that rich, loud sound. Then I added some cool panning tricks for a really, really nice effect. The high-register guitar kind of takes it from there, and the melodic parts display the despair of the famine. Then there is a breakdown section with a cool heavy riff. Inspirations include "DBLSPACE.EXE" by MASTER BOOT RECORD, cus I used a particular riff from that track, just shifted up in a different key signature and faster. Otherwise, I guess I could also cite one of my previous tracks for its high energy ("Cataclysm"). I think this is one of my favorites, let me know what you all think!
Finished another one of my tracks as part of my upcoming series of tracks, Four Horsemen. I bring you Pestilence this time: Here is the repo: And here is the track itself: This is probably the longest track I've ever made; not only is it long in the actual software but it becomes longer due to the tempo lol This one may seem a bit weird or uninteresting since it has a different format, but it does have those groove riffs in the middle so give it a listen! I tried making this sound like "disease" in the intro, the best way I can describe it is the introduction to "Swamp" in the Dead Cells OST. Otherwise, I took some inspiration from a pretty niche band called City of Dis and their track "Through Purgatory" for those neat middle prog-metal riffs. You may have to turn up the volume for some parts, as a side note (more like the 10th side note, enjoy the track now!)
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Another scrap real quick! I took some time to make some of the non-loopable tracks I made for our game-jam game loopable. Here is the repo: Here are the track fragments (6 files): This may sound easy to do, but I had to listen and take a look at what parts I wanted to loop and what parts would be good as sound effects to close off the track in-game, and then cut them up. Also, some looped parts didn't feature modulator changes that I made in the song a few measures beforehand, so I had to add their respective modulator channels so they could sound well 👍 Note to the reviewers: This is a single-session scrap, but the session was logged before the single-session rule change. Sorry for the limited scraps!
I added some of my new track to my personal website. Changes are live, go see them, and go take a listen!! Also, for one of my tracks, there is some image display error I'll have to fix which traces back to the public folder; apparently it wasn't just a cache issue. I'll keep this here as a self-note. Note for reviewers: This is a single session scrap but was done before the new single session rule pass. Sorry for the limited scraps I have to show for it! Here is the repo:, and And here is the site:
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I'm releasing a new series of metal tracks called the Four Horsemen. Here is the first track, "War:" (Not the Sisyphus Prime theme btw) It is worth noting that I don't have the best music production software, so if the guitar sound is kinda MIDI, it really is the best that I could do Here is the repo: And here is the track: In the pursuit of guitar amplification, I added 2 lines and panned them to each ear. However, the distortion feature puts in a sort of catch-22 situation, where if I lower it to get better sound quality, it sounds like just an electronic wave, but if I raise it to where it "sounds good," then it muddles the sound. I may need to play around with reverb and some other settings, but for now this is the best I could do. I would love to hear what yall think! (shhhh I did not borrow a small riff from Pyschosocial)
This would be a pretty simple project, but I made a pretty functional four-function calculator in Python. The calculator supports expression calculating (like entering 8+4*5/10-9 would correctly result in 1.0) by using a recursive algorithm (inefficient, but really cool!) You can go check out the code for yourself at this link: This project utilizes the TKinter library in Python. Next steps would be to make a graphing calculator using MatLab or something, and even introduce more advanced functions ranging from square roots to integration. Check it out, and leave any suggestions!
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Update on the track! I balanced some things out and rewrote a whole instrument line. I think it sounds way better than the one in my last post 🙂 Here is the repo: Here is the track: Compare it with the last iteration, and let me know what you think!
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I'm back with another track, baby! 🔥 This one is also pretty metal themed, but it is more energetic than the previous one I made. The biggest concern about this track is that the bass lines may conflict resulting in a pretty muddy sound; if you hear this, please let me know so I can spend another hour equalizing it lol Here is the repo: And here is the track: I made the melodic section sound a bit like something reminiscent of Terraria lol, I'm feeling pretty good about this one (other than the bass lines). Give it a listen! Let me know what yall think!
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I added some stylizing and more features to my dumbest project yet: my Roblox Game Judger in Python Yes, you read that right, plug in any URL of a Roblox game and it will give you some details and some insight on the game. Really dumb and kind of useless; here is the repo lol: Plug some games in and see what you can find; try it with all sorts of games to get different answers each time! This update features some more parameters I added in judging the game, and some style edits. Plug in these links to try them out:
New track! I think this might just be my favorite of recent memory 🤘 Tried to approach it from a more metal aspect, and the track below is what I got. Features a double-bass-pedaling section 🙂 Forgot to mention, this is part of the game jam project that I have been making tracks for. Here is the repo: And here is the track: Bit of a sound warning! I made this a little louder as it's supposed to be metal and rock heavy. One certain section reminds of that one part from Burning Town from the Shadow Fight 2 OST, which is great cus that soundtrack is fire 🔥 To some this may sound like pure noise, but others may see the melody in there. Let me know what you think, could it use any adjustments? These tracks are featured on my personal website, and this one will be too. Click the link to listen to the other tracks I have composed:
LET'S GO! After a bunch of learning JS, I finally got a Contact Form to work on my personal website! Changes are live! You can go see them here: Here is the repo for the site: Here is the repo for the actual code: hehe I made it so you have to solve a math problem to submit a contact form (didn't yoink that idea from a friend totally) stay educated chilren I also added the tracks I had been working on to my music section! Go listen to them on my site! Send me a message while you're at it!
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Made some SFX for our game These are kind of my trial runs for sound effects, as the software I use is not built for sound effects in general. I'll see what I can do in the future, but for now, let me know what you think! Here is the repo: Here are the effects:
Another track for our group-project game, this one is kinda small. How does this fare as a shop theme? Here is the updated repo: And here is the track: This may seem too serious as a shop theme, but I suppose it is for a shooter game. I tried to match that gun-shop aesthetic, despite never having been in one. It is loopable by the way.
New theme just dropped 🔥 This one is the lobby theme for our group-project game Here is the updated repo (You can view old tracks here as well): And here is the track: Give it a listen! I would love feedback on balancing and sound quality. Try comparing it with my old track, and see if the styles match, that's probably the biggest thing I'm working on right now.
Working on a Group-Project-Game's Soundtrack: Done with the main battle theme Here is the repo for all of my content, containing the JSONs for all previous versions: Please rate it! I don't know if the balancing is right or not, so give it a listen and see if it plays well.
This might be one of the dumbest projects I have ever done: I have made a webscraping tool that judges Roblox Games More than anything, this is a meme project. At least it was a good TKinter and Selenium tutorial :) Here is the Github: Right now, the code only judges the game off of a few fixed parameters, and there are some special cases. Don't expect it to be 100% accurate! There are obviously biases, and the code can't just play, let alone enjoy the game. I'm simply basing this off of mostly (hopefully) popular opinions for categories of games; the main focus is the Python and stuff. Just input the URL into the input prompt and you should get another dialog that displays judge text. The boxes have no styling right now so they will look ugly, but future updates will work to fix those things. Functionality is all there though! Try it with a few games! Ill provide some examples: (the goat game) (If you're wondering, no I don't play "Cabin Roleplay," it was for a test case, trust)
I made a QR Code Generator and Reader through Python! Here's the repo: I've tested a bunch of things and really polished up the terminal menu; if I find the time, I may work on the pop TKinter pop-ups soon enough. Please try to break my code! I want to be able to fix the things that I may have missed, so if you find anything please let me know! Included a QR Code in this thread as an example. DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT try to scan it, or face the consequences of your actions.
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The Music Section of my website is finally live! You can check out all of the tracks I have composed and gain additional detail on them as well. Here is the github link: And here is the site link (specifically for the music page): There may be a rendering issue with one of the card images, but that may just be some cache issue from what I know. If that problem persists, please let me know.
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I developed a really basic shell in Java using a CodeCrafters tutorial. It has got the basic features running, but navigation is currently not implemented. You can: • Use the echo, type, and exit commands (exit 0 to be exact) • Use type to locate Path locations • Execute commands (not completely tested, if you find bugs let me know) Here is the github link to my project:
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