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Posts tagged with :vsc:

Day 1 of #C045S4393CY| before midnight (PH Standard Time): cooking up docs for @HackClubLeeks with VS Code for Web (code serve-web running locally on my laptop instead of using Remote Tunnels) and GitLab CI configurations since Recap Time Squad (the org where the project is currently hosted) officially joined GitLab for Open-source program weeks ago (hence getting GitLab Ultimate for free on SaaS)
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i was bored so i started working on a vs code extension to add ollama support :3
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Today I discovered all scrappy's reaction keywords yay, OSF, hooray, arrived, bin, raccoon, draw, art, paint, wrote, slack, pcb, onboard, circuit, kicad, easyeda, figma, 3d print, 3d printing, 3d printer, covid, singapore, canada, india, space, sleep, hardware, roshan, sampoder, vs code, vscode, woo hoo, celebrate, cooking, cooked, cook, birthday, bday, pumpkin, fall, thanksgiving, christmas, santa, snow, snowing, snowman, vercel, sunrise, sunset, google, soccer, football, car, driving, bank, shopping list, github, twitter, bot, robot, robotics, minecraft, game, npm, solder, soldering, arduino, instagram, observable, js, javascript, reactjs, python, swift, xcode, x code, swiftui, swift ui, golang, rust, deno, blender, salad, adobe, photoshop, inktober, storm, rain, dino, school, backpack, linux, hacktober, hacktoberfest, exams, exam, studying, studied, study, react, apple, cat, dog, code, hack, autumn, Happy Birthday Zach, debate, next.js, nextjs, movie, halloween, pizza, scrappy, cycle, bike, Big Sur, zoom, ship, macbook, guitar, complain, fight, cricket, vim, docker, cake, notion, fedora, replit, mask, leap, discord, /z, postgres, gatsby, prisma, graphql, product hunt, java, repl, repl.it, replit, rick roll, BrainDUMP, firefox, vivaldi, ABCO-1, nix, nixos, nixpkgs, typescript, ts, zephyr, summer, plane, train, bus, bug, debug, debugging, awesome, graph, chart, boba, bubble tea, spotify, repair, cow, doge, shibe, dogecoin, blockchain, ticket, homework, hw, piano, orpheus, chess, pr, pull request, bread, nft, hns, wahoo, aoc, advent, svelte, cold, tailwind, tailwindcss, c, squaresupply, gamelab, annoying site, redwood, redwoodjs, homebrew, stickers, club, think, thinking, cool, science, research, biology, brain, science fiction, sci-fi, mexico, food, sad, galaxy, plant, plants, picture, pictures, photography, assemble, sprig, laser, music, #C045S4393CY, 10daysinpublic, hardware party, hardware wonderland, hardware-party, days of making, winter hardware, winter, wonderland, whw, ipfs, the orpheus show, orpheus show, the orpheus podcast, orpheus podcast, podcast, quest, puzzmo, purple bubble, purplebubble, summit, summit vision, apple vision, nest.
Had a bunch of issues with VSCode's TS language server crashing but I finally fixed it, started learning how to do API stuff with SvelteKit for my project and it's working! Can finally work on allowing people to "sign up" for timings for events
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heres the complete ui of my vs code clone, working perfectly with proper exporting, formatting and you can even create folders and other files
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sucks that updates are currently down, but im working on recreating vs code inside of my web-os thing!
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Today was quite stuggle-full day, cause I was in no mood to code. Thankfully HighSeas had the motivation inside. Welps, I have now configured the modes change, the different safety precautions and many minor bug fixes. I thought on a full introductory of the project today but I guess It will take till the weekend. Till then I will continue to code and enjoy this scrapbook. Also, I added a README so I dont need to add or save anything here, perhaps fun too !. Anyways (tags : Nextjs, Javascript, TypeScript, Vs Code, High Seas) Ba-Bye and Adios
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I added a new section of tracks to my website! I also buffed up the music page with 2 new features: • Added download buttons for my tracks' JSONs so you can experiment with them on your own in BeepBox/JummBox • Added a cool banner! Very cool! (Custom designed in Canva) The image rendering problem for one of my lists has still not gone away 😞 I'll have to reconfigure some directories or something cus it's perfectly fine in the dev build running form VScode Listen to some of my tracks, and see if you could remix them into something cool! Then use the contact page so you can send me the share links to yall's creations lol! Here is the site: thedarklynx786.github.io/music Here is the hosting repo: github.com/TheDarkLynx786/TheDarkLynx786.github.io Here is the code repo: github.com/TheDarkLynx786/website-code
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features an HC-SR04-based reservoir water level detector, powered by an ESP8266 with a web server interface. The design of the web interface is inspired by Hack Club Arcade's shop. Users can interact with three buttons to view graphs for "Today," "Past Week," or "Past Month." Instead of using a real-time clock module, the ESP8266 retrieves the current time from a world time API. More details like wireing can be found in my github repo (github.com/YeetTheAnson/WaterlevelLogger) Coded in arduino ide, and vscode Video attached below shows data plotting using sensor value, and the screen recording below shows the UI design in more detail
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WirelessVoltmeter -ESP8266 Voltmeter using phone screen as display How it works: Uses the analog to digital pin on the ESP8266 to read analog values, can be configured with potential dividers in the future as well to measure larger voltages. UI inspiration: 'Yair Even Or' More details about wiring and PCB can be found at the repo Github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/WirelessVoltmeter Made in arduino ide and vscode
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An esp32 that controls a 32x8 neopixel matrix that displays a few of Hack Club's logo featured from (hackclub.com/brand), and has a button which cycles between those images. My github repository also includes a python script that can convert any image into the matrix array. Github repo: github.com/YeetTheAnson/NeopixelMatrixHackclub Coded in arduino ide, and vscode Warning to those who want to try to run the project in Wokwi, it's extremely laggy and will take around 50 minutes for it to load
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PortableCredentialStorage - An esp32-s2 that is able to store domain name, username and password automatically as the user access when websites, It also able to hold the info when powered off because it's stored in the 4mb flash using the FATFS partition. In the case that the user wants to login on another computer, the esp32-s2 can be plugged into another computer and it'll automatically type in the username and password automatically on a login page Github repo: github.com/YeetTheAnson/PortableCredentialStorage any extra info about running the code is in the repository Made in arduino ide and vscode
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Hey! I recently made a password project in python to further boost my skills. This is because I want to continue learning such stuff like this and make it. To use it, simply run the program and you can open, edit and create accounts and view info inside of them. To use the repo , just open it in vs code and more info and instructions are in the repo here:github.com/Skumm00/randompassword
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I just made a
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extension check it out you can start and stop #arcade sessions in vs code itself
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# REPOST --- original message --- I installed nix on my framework!!! I still need to finish up the list of tweaks i did but here's a rough list: hyprland with animations and pretty windows, waybar with a custom top bar and a really cool webcam module i made that detects whether an application is using your webcam, a super fast tofi dmenu launcher, vs code with a theme and go support (needs more expansion; currently its a very barebones install of vs code), spotify with spicetify configs, mako for notifications, fingerprint support that perfers password by default (really annoying nix behavior that its fingerprint first by default) this required a bunch of pam tweaks and was a pain, and best of all its all managed with flakes and my wifi passwords can be commited publicly because they are encrypted with agenix! P.S. (Adendum?) i also did all of this while camping most of it over cellular on super bumpy Michigan roads while we were in the car for super long periods (~5 hours) i also discovered that the framework battery is almost perfectly 5 - 5.5 hours! P.P.S (doubular adendum??) i also attached a pic of my magnetic charging setup; i want to stick it into a framework module soon so it doesn't stick out but i'm pretty happy with it rn github.com/kcoderhtml/dots
I installed nix on my framework!!! I still need to finish up the list of tweaks i did but here's a rough list: hyprland with animations and pretty windows, waybar with a custom top bar and a really cool webcam module i made that detects whether an application is using your webcam, a super fast tofi dmenu launcher, vs code with a theme and go support (needs more expansion; currently its a very barebones install of vs code), spotify with spicetify configs, mako for notifications, fingerprint support that perfers password by default (really annoying nix behavior that its fingerprint first by default) this required a bunch of pam tweaks and was a pain, and best of all its all managed with flakes and my wifi passwords can be commited publicly because they are encrypted with agenix! P.S. (Adendum?) i also did all of this while camping most of it over cellular on super bumpy Michigan roads while we were in the car for super long periods (~5 hours) i also discovered that the framework battery is almost perfectly 5 - 5.5 hours! P.P.S (doubular adendum??) i also attached a pic of my magnetic charging setup; i want to stick it into a framework module soon so it doesn't stick out but i'm pretty happy with it rn github.com/kcoderhtml/dots
Hey guys I made a pong game in vs code on python. If you want to play it and/or see the code pls feel free to look at github.com/Adi-2079/Pong-game
Hey guys. During this challenge ive been expanding my horizons from coding to artowrks and such. Today I decided to make a remake of everyone's beloved game, tetris. I used vs code and python to make this game. The game works exactly like tetris but the only downside is it is a little slow and laggy when compared to the original game. Please feel free to check it out and maybe try it for yourself on github.com/Adi-2079/Tetris-game
I created a pong game using Pygame. I first created the basic multiplayer game, then I added an increment of the speed of the ball, and then I added a basic AI. The final commit was the most difficult as I had to replace the majority of my code, because of the screen to decide whether the multiplayer or singleplayer was glitching out. I fixed the error in replit and replaced the original code with the updated one into vs code. Commits: github.com/AJOSH0912/Pong/commits/main Final Project: github.com/AJOSH0912/Pong
I made a dice roller on vs code in python. You can use this to learn probability, or maybe just use it as a normal pair of dice if u have lost ur current one. If you wish, view my project at github.com/Adi-2079/Dice-roller
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Kleur V3 is now out! Featuring: • A proper light mode
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• Base24 support • Hand-written editor themes for Vscode, Zed, and Helix (Vscode is particularly cool as it has full semantic highlights!) • A hand-written gtk 3 and 4 theme! (Actually being a tonal theme now. Also has support for the upcoming css variable rewrite for libadwaita) • A huge refactor to how themes are made to make it easier to add more in the future Check it out and use it @ github.com/Suyashtnt/kleur
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I created a game in vs code python called deal or no deal. It is based of the real tv show. I incorporated a login system to keep every game scores private and a high score system to keep track of your past winnings. github.com/Adi-2079/DND
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finished the hack club personal website tutorial and figured out how to commit my code from vscode to github! here is my repository github.com/emilymo999/personal-website.git and here is my page emilymo999.github.io/personal-website. For some reason the page doesn't have all the recent updates as the html vscode file so i'll work on that next, then i'll work on making my personal website more fun and createive
During today's session, I downloaded Git and VSCode, and went through the tutorials to understand how to use those apps. I then connected VSCode to my Github, although I'm still figuring out how to do commits- I was having issues but I'll fix the next time I start a session. I finished off by starting on the screenshotted tutorial to make my personal website.
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Major Arcade VSC feature ship! 🚢 A side panel has been added to the arcade
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extension! You can now start, control, and end sessions straight from vs code! You can give it a try right now by switching to the pre-release. Do keep in mind that my code isn't perfect 😁 Note: there latency, and a limit of 16 interactions per hours due to API limitations to prevent abuse.
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#arcade -i made a flappy bird clone while learning game dev in java , the github repo contains all the required files to complie it into a .jar file to run on windows , im trying to convert it into an apt to get it to work on android which should take some more time, the game can be played on a computer for now using the jar file can be run using vs code or the .exe file , github repo link-<https://github.com/ristonrodrigues723/FlappyBird/tree/master> no of hrs it took me-3.5.
github.com/SriramKalki/Arcade29/tree/main Learnt how to use OpenGL/GLEW to render triangles and tetrahedrons. Most of the time was used to install necessary packages and set up VSCode +C++ and MingGW. In the future I want to make a 3d grapher using OpenGL
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I just set up this repository locally as well as did some changes in the vs code application for future development
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Arcade vs code extension update
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if you don't know what this it, it's a simple extension that adds the arcade timer to the bottom right of your editor to help you keep track of the time left. the extension now notifies you when your session starts/ends/pauses you'll also get a handy reminder if you're coding but haven't started a session yet these are now configurable via vs code's configuration menus and lastly, it no longer forces you to reload vs code when an error occurs with the api, it now tries to fix itself in most cases! if you haven't yet, you should give it a try! it's been helping me a lot
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marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=samdev.arcade-vsc github.com/samdev-7/arcade-vsc
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Day 13 of #15-days-in-public; today I had to study for a chemistry test tomorrow so i wasn't able to get alot done sadly; I installed several new tools: pretty typescript errors and supermaven for vs code and then I downloaded and setup graphite which is a stacking pr layer that goes ontop of git; I was also able to fully finished the 3d modeling for the basilica models which was nice; I also did a bunch of quoting for how much it would cost to get the models manufactured but with the tight timeframe i have I probably need to just get a new 3d printer and print them myself
I made a very configurable vscode extension to track your #arcade timer. It supports 4 different modes (small/large and percent done/time left). It is not yet on the vscode marketplace but I'll look into publishing it there tomorrow. The github can be found at: github.com/PotentialStyx/arcade-vscode-extension
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#arcade is awesome, but amidst the focus of
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typing, I lose track of time. I can't be the only one who forgets to start a new session after an hour, losing those precious 🎟️ As someone who spend 80% of their time coding on vs code (the other 19% are on stackoverflow), something right in the editor would be awesome
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So, I spent the past 3 hours and made ✨ Arcade VSC
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It's a vs code extension that brings the arcade timer right to your editor! Setup is sooo simple, you only need your slack id. Being my first vs code extension, I was impressed with how easy the editor's api was to use! I'll be using my extension over the summer. You should give it a try too! :D 👇 marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=samdev.arcade-vsc github.com/samdev-7/arcade-vsc