

0-day streak
getting further with my JIT-on-nativeaot research, but getting a segfault, awawawaw.... gdb is of no help
face_with_spiral_eyes emoji
2am programming pays off........ RyuJIT compilation in NativeAOT-compiled C# closer and closer!!! raaaah i love the .NET runtime
wom emoji
c emoji
graahhh!! i love blender geometry nodes! lots of em!
wom emoji
blender emoji
step sequencing, yippee!
awawawawa.... arpeggiator nodes implemented... lots of behind-the-scenes work... 😵‍💫
yay emoji
this (responsive!!) keyboard/piano renderer took me a very long time to implement. please look at it. stare at it. admire it. gaze in awe upon my creation
vestige is now capable of sampling real instruments!
yay emoji
wom emoji
yay emoji
almost done!!! today, I introduced the chord generator, delay node, and custom-made serialization via CBOR + DEFLATE to save projects
yay emoji
yay emoji
lots of progress! QOL improvements, multiple signal inputs, some minor refactoring, ability to add and remove nodes - oh my!
melody generation functionality implemented, based on pure functions! this generator uses probability to randomly trigger notes from the pentatonic scale, making for some wind-chimey melodies. cool!!!
yay emoji
yay emoji
cooll-dino emoji
LFOs are done!!! and so is value-to-node graph traversal! fancy!
yay emoji
today's progress!
niko-stim emoji
pushed an update out for emoji telepathy! now complete with fancy new sounds!
released+uploaded my AI Warden game to the wonderdome today! yay!
CSS/SVG filters are fun!!!
soooo... hiya, i'm new here, but i made a game for Hack Club High Seas today!! :) it has bots, so even if no players are offline, the server will quickly make a synthetic player just for you.
its 4am, but i finally finished my first project for the wonderdome YIPIEEEEE