@louisa7+worked on a lil bit of LYLA today, hacky holidays! (in the testing branch, i feel i should specify that lol)
@nulladmin11I created a nix flake template for flutter.
@BetterClient1Day 1 of coding a neural network from scratch (no libraries):
I got a basic network implementation working, i forcefully set biases and weights.
The network returns input * 10 right now, I'm going to hopefully get training working soon.
@Bai2Working on learning arima for weather data. This is moving average
@fishtested1I started making my first "actual logo" in Figma, still a work in progress though.
@sam1I learned OpenSCAD today. I love parametric stuff and the magic that changing one variable does. (blot art is so cool in the same way)
I'm starting to use gridfinity but I wanted to cut down on the number of magnets I used cus $$, so I modified Gridfinity Extended OpenSCAD to add a center hole. I now can use 2 magnets instead of 8, and it's more than strong enough :yay:
@Craig-U07FBU5MM8U2I worked more on Codeboard today, I added a basic version of the Scribbles feature using MDXEditor. I found out that I was using wakapi-anyide wrong too and it wasn’t tracking my time.
@Neon1i got my tailscale to work the nest :tailscale::zeon:
@rare1k1making a FOSS spotify frontend that doesn't need premium , auth, or api keys. complete with playlists, shuffling, looping, and cross platform between web/windows/linux/android (no ios/mac because i dont apple)
@MinglangDu1Just got into USACO silver! (is this type of post allowed on scrapbook?)
@kimax1Working on a number system convertor in rust, have the validation done for now
@Andre-cmd-rgb0I am so happy they arrived before christmas !!!!(btw photo was taken two days ago didin’t have time to post)
@Craig-U07FBU5MM8U2today i started codeboard, my prototype for a platform that lets you go from idea to ship as fast as possible. it's my first time using react, so development is slow, but i should have the homepage done by christmas (hopefully?).
@ascpixi0vestige is now capable of sampling real instruments! :yay:@Bai2Working on the winter boba website
@msw0since my last video about making PCBs, I’ve had a bunch of feedback about people who had trouble submitting PRs.
now there’s new video about submitting a PR in (almost) under a minute! www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL4d6AFx-9E, and it was made in under a day in #onboard-bts— check out the channel for the whole WIP thread
@CassidyCodes0Applied For Clubs got accepted And Got The Onboard Grant.
@EvanGan0Day 27 of #100-days-in-public.
Today I spent time getting my react site to compile. Originally it was set so that you have to specify a directory it is going to run in but I managed to change that to the ./ directory so it can run in any direction. I also added some instructions for the user. Tomorrow I am going to work on getting it up on my website and shipping it. After I ship it I think I may try to incorporate an interaction library like MUI or EUI now that I am more familiar with react.
On another note, I got my fudge from #10-days-in-public!
@cupcakes0Playing around with Google's Teachable Machine for a project! I'm learning a lot about how camera access works with the web browser
@rayhanadev0Worked on my Blot submission today! It's an iterative maze-generation algorithm with added subsections (hence the name, Subsected) in the pathway which create a unique output :)
@EvanGan0Day 26 of #100-days-in-public.
I want to take a bit of a different approach on my #scrapbook today. Currently my Gemini based rug game is in a state where I am considering #shiping it but have an idea of one last feature that will require me to modify some of my code to create, and make it much more original. I think I may ship the current version tomorrow and then continue working on the last feature.
Today I had a bit of a realization why react is such a good framework. Basically, my goal is to have a text box pop up when the user needs to enter their api key and not show up if it is already in the URL(see yesterdays video). The beauty of react is that I can do this very simply in one element by simply detecting if they need to enter a key, and if so returning a different piece of HTML. If they already have a key then I can simply return nothing and nothing pops up. With React I can just throw this element in anywhere and it just pops up when it needs to and disappears when it is not needed. Also, React allows me to easily modify page layout, say for example if I wanted my chat box to be below the input I can do that with swapping one line of code.
@zrl0latest video iteration. the one i posted last night has 1k views now. i’m trying to get one that will cross 100k views. i’m also refactoring my code to have separate classes now, so it will be easier to structure a tutorial
@phaedra0I built a student portal/site for my school! In the future, there may be AI and official district portal features thrown in as well, but at the moment it's primarily being used for my school's course selection since that's what's happening right now at school. I'm so happy to have finished building it! It's a project that I've been hoping to launch since my freshman year of high school but never had the coding expertise to execute, and now it's open-source and live for the 1,700+ students at my school to access! Using Next.js, React, and the magic of the Google Sheets API, I was able to sell the course catalog that my school has (and I now encourage you to check it out)! It's now available at mybla.vercel.app :D
It's been awkward walking around and seeing people compliment the project due to seeing my name in weekly announcements but I'm happy that it already has a happy user base even after being released for a short while.