Day 15 of #C045S4393CY|: I have no idea why would I set the reminder to that but I'm grateful that it works :D
@ajhalili20062Day 11 of #C045S4393CY|: More coding work at @HackClubLeeks and some admin stuff at Recap Time Swuad involving Stack Overflow for Teams atm (screenshot below feat the hcb tag on our SOT instance)
Worked getting and organizing all CAD files that are needed for making my 3d printer!
@TheRealCraig1I added working search and site summary functionality to Terminal Search today. There’s still some bugs and styling issues but when I’ve fixed those and published it to a site, I’m going to submit it to #C08F58MT3GV|!
FINALLY DAY 10 (i think), today i did some work on my game polyworld, and im only like 3.20$ away from steam license on #C086MACKK43|!
• Improved itch page
• Made a terrain
Day 12 of #C045S4393CY|
today i started design a split more ergonomic keyboard while live streaming in #C07F3EA2L8G|
i design the case with its a awesome tool to design keyboard cases
I cleaned up a ton of Archimedes code! There's still a LOT of work left to do but this is already a really good start imo - probably will work on it a bit more next week? Not sure
@ajhalili20062Day 10 of #C045S4393CY|: Pardon the hiatus, but currently cooking up the rejection reason modal flow and rewriting custom Express routes code for @HackClubLeeks alongside some website updates for Recap Time Squad behind the scenes in the previous days.
worked on some comments i got on my hackpad submission and made sure my BOM was fully correct. Tommorrow will be day 10 going to try something big hopefully.
@pbhak2day 8 of #C045S4393CY|
polished pcb, made routing cleaner, fixed all drc errors
the PCB is now fully complete!
time to stop procrastinating on the case
@Codelife6Day 10 (ig) of #C045S4393CY| Worked on adding more items for my 3d printer BOM. I am already at 300! I still have a few more items that i need
). Today i did some minor work on my open world game
• Made it so server stores the currently held item for players to that when players join that can be synced
@Nethul7Day 13 of #C045S4393CY| It's Friday! This means that I have a lot of free time after school and I realized something, my alarm app should be integrated into my clock app, and then I should redesign the clock app to make it look better since the original alarm look was the same since I first implemented it, so I am working on that, moving stuff around and making it look better to match the rest of the phone. The picture shows the updated look, I'm still not done with logic yet though. It looks good but there is a lot of stuff that is not done and I'll have to work on it more
@Rmardia7Day 10 of #C045S4393CY| Today I just gota lot of things submitted, and started with some of the "housekeeping' things for some YSWS' .Today I got my printer for saycheese approved. I did some uploading of my scratch project on github. I also looked in to the BOM of my printer, and my keyboard.
> what started as me meeting a stranger-soon-friend at the airport w/ @ThomasStubblefield and asking him why he was wearing fake prescription glasses to make himself look smarter turned into the most fire hackathon project ever.
this weekend, @ArnavChauhan , @TCYTseven , and i worked together to think of the most useless project we could built in ~24 hours + with the ray-ban meta ai glasses (yes, those glasses).
introducing (brace yourselves, and give me credit for the name) our final project, "POKER? I HARDLY KNOW HER!" ♦️ ♣️
you might've come across this every-day situation many times in your life: you have homework assignments due tommorow but you ALSO want to play poker
. just wear our glasses and 1) have them analyze your hand, the cards on the table, and the emotions of the poker faces in the room around you to 2) calculate a probabilty
of you winning the game and then 3) answer the next question on your homework but with an accuracy rate inversly proportional to your odds of winning poker match. using computer vision, opencv, roboflow, openai
, elevenlabs, & opensource python
libraries we've made this a reality for you. watch our <|demo> to get the full experience!
scrappy moment: turns out meta
provides no easy way to access the camera feed from the glasses for analysis. however (!!), they do allow access to the camera feed in their own services (yes, we ended up making facebook accounts for this initially 💀). the live video used on this project is taken from a whatsapp video call between two devices + obs
video capture.
🕶 📼 full*tl;dr:* we made a meta glasses-powered system that lets you play poker and do homework at the same time—but the better you do at one, the worse you perform at the other.*super special thanks* to @ShubhamPatil @kevinjosethomas @sarthak @Atulya-U04FJLBJ72S @JesseCogburn (jimbooo) @Mohamad @Rhys-U04GECG3H8W for the hours of moral support + starring in our demo + teaching us about your love for horiculture + & of course "chris"
@Nethul7Day 12 of #C045S4393CY| I was really busy today but I was able to get some bug fixing done, I've been clicking around on random areas to see what makes stuff crash and the good thing is now that's harder to do!(Don't have much to show)
@pbhak2day 7 of #C045S4393CY|!
done with pcb routing, will start work on case cad tomorrow!!
this took way too long, if they don't extend deadline i might be cooked
@ChessThinker0Day 9 of #C045S4393CY|
Another day of using a faulty editor that will be fixed later. I finally cleared up the errors, but don't know what's wrong. Asked in #C08APN1CKEJ|...
@Mish0For day 11 of my #C045S4393CY|, I finished the logic of the assembler for my Rusty-Man Computer project! I just have to add some more tests and write up some documentation about it, and then I'll have a fully-functional assembler for the Little-Man Computer system :P
You can take a look at all of today's work on the Github repo.
Here's a screenshot of it running (after a few Rust warnings that I might want to fix at some point)
@dave91231Day 13, finished reminder testing, going to do some subscription testing tomorrow :)
@manitej1day 7 of 10 - creating a card engine for a possible deck building version of cafe@Aram0Day 9 of #C045S4393CY|
Today, I wrote a very lengthy project description & if I am planning to charge $$$ and finally got an API key! If anyone is wondering the project description i wrote, i'll add it to this thread!
@Rmardia7Day 9 of #C045S4393CY| there is still not really that much more to do for my keyboard until my hackapad gets approves, but in the meantime I researched about my hexapod, and learned about different legs and attachment mechanics
- Worked on making BOM for 3d printer. Didn't anticipate it would have taken so long to find parts online. I still need to add more items, but I will probably finish that by tmrw and hopefully will do sketches of the 3d printer before CAD.
Today is day #C07TTG7NVPX| of #C045S4393CY| (i took a 1 day break yesterday), today i worked on the site for #C08EL3G9K2B|
Uses svelte, and stuff uh idk.
I spent a lot of time making shit work cause it kept on breaking
@Boa_n7day idk at this point of #C045S4393CY| I am pretty much done with the cad model and am trying to make the printer cheaper for my BOM. Its sooo exspensive
. Today, I honestly didn't feel like coding after finishing the Chrome extension yesterday. So, after finding out that infill might get pushback started. I stopped procrastination and started with research (1 hour). Tomorrow, I will merge my progress to the site and start with cad