

0-day streak
Day 9 of #C045S4393CY| Another day of using a faulty editor that will be fixed later. I finally cleared up the errors, but don't know what's wrong. Asked in #C08APN1CKEJ|...
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Day 8 of #C045S4393CY| I attempted to implement the dice feature. However, it turns out that the editor is faulty and cannot even run elseif. So... not much progress again 😞
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Day 7 of #C045S4393CY|. I redrew number 3. Again, not too many updates due to homework and stuff...
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Day 6 of #C045S4393CY|. I remade the 5 art. I'm reluctant to add stuff cause V2 is just around the corner
Day 5 of #C045S4393CY|. Today, I realized that the editor will not be powerful enough for a full game without crazy optimizations that I cannot do. So... I'm revamping to a dice/coin app. I have made the numbers work:
Day 4 of #C045S4393CY| Struggled with C for a while
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. No updates really... Hope I can actually finish this project
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Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| Added a row() function to draw the ground. Not too much time these days
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Day 2 of #C045S4393CY| Worked more on #C08APN1CKEJ| . Unfortunately, I couldn’t really achieve anything. Error after error. However, I have finalized the idea. I’m going to make a super simple dodge the falling rocks game. Basically a remake of my sprig game.
Day 1 of #C045S4393CY| I began work on my #C08APN1CKEJ| submission. I don't have much experience with C, so this was a fun experience. The semicolons were sooooo annoying, but I got used to them. After some effort, I made a start button for a game idea. I was thinking a minimalist dino run thing would be cool.
Just competed in my first Hack Club affiliated hackathon in Flagstaff, Arizona! The hackathon was divided into middle and high school (I'm in 8th). My team got first place in Middle School. The theme was to figure out what to do after landing on a new planet. My team built Pondilate! Check it out here:
Just spent 3 hours improving my portfolio site. Small improvements and fixes over time make something great! Check out the site at
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I finished my pcb hacker card! Tell me your thoughts:
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Meet Weathub, the all-in-one weather station! It simply tells you the room temperature and humidity, and includes the proprietary Hot-O-Meter technology that tells you how hot a room is with a quick glance! Check it out:
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So... I tried making a chessboard generator in Blot. However, I didn't realize how difficult Blot actually was. Then I tried downgrading to a checkerboard with checkers generator. I kept trying, but didn't get anywhere. So, unfortunately, due to interests in other projects, I have decided to just keep it as a chessboard generator. Here is the final code: const finalLines = []; // CHANGE THESE const rectWidth = 47; // Higher better, so you don't see individual lines const squares = 37; // Don't get this too high // DON'T CHANGE THIS (Performace reasons) const spacing = 1; const width = squares rectWidth; const height = squares rectWidth; setDocDimensions(width, height); function filledRect(w, h, spacing) { const result = []; const numLines = Math.floor(h / spacing); for (let i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { const y = (i + 0.5) spacing - h / 2; const line = [ [-w / 2, y], [w / 2, y] ]; result.push(line); } return result; } for (let i = 0; i < squares; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < squares; j++) { if ((i % 2 === 0 && j % 2 === 0) || (i % 2 !== 0 && j % 2 !== 0)) { const rect1 = filledRect(rectWidth, rectWidth, spacing); bt.translate(rect1, [rectWidth i, rectWidth * j]); bt.join(finalLines, rect1); } } } const finalLinesBounds = bt.bounds(finalLines); bt.translate( finalLines, [width / 2, height / 2], ); drawLines(finalLines);
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Just made a automatic checkerboard generator, where you can set all the parameters! const finalLines = []; const rectWidth = 10; const squares = 10; const spacing = 1; const width = squaresrectWidth; const height = squaresrectWidth; setDocDimensions(width, height); function filledRect(w, h, spacing) { const result = []; const numLines = Math.floor(h / spacing); for (let i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { const y = (i + 0.5) spacing - h / 2; const line = [ [-w / 2, y], [w / 2, y] ]; result.push(line); } return result; } for (let i = 0; i < squares; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < squares; j++) { if ((i % 2 === 0 && j % 2 === 0) || (i % 2 !== 0 && j % 2 !== 0)) { const rect1 = filledRect(rectWidth, rectWidth, spacing); bt.translate(rect1, [rectWidth i, rectWidth * j]); bt.join(finalLines, rect1); } } } const finalLinesBounds = bt.bounds(finalLines); bt.translate( finalLines, [width / 2, height / 2], ); drawLines(finalLines);
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Just got oled screen working!
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Just got hello world working on wowki. Good start!