

0-day streak
A (very) crude version of @SlackPluralBot is working! Still has a hell of a lot to work on but it can finally do the main thing it's meant to do
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we have widgets on top!
update to commashell: Astal is working in rust! This should make my life significantly easier
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This shows 6 hours of work. • 2 hours spent on trying to get Astal bindings to work (gir-rs is too WIP to use it properly) • 2 hours setting up regular gtk and messing my way around with it + nix • 2 hours setting up meson and blueprints to properly work I can now actually work on trying to get this as a layer-shell Work up @ github.com/Suyashtnt/commashell
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Kleur V3 is now out! Featuring: • A proper light mode
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• Base24 support • Hand-written editor themes for Vscode, Zed, and Helix (Vscode is particularly cool as it has full semantic highlights!) • A hand-written gtk 3 and 4 theme! (Actually being a tonal theme now. Also has support for the upcoming css variable rewrite for libadwaita) • A huge refactor to how themes are made to make it easier to add more in the future Check it out and use it @ github.com/Suyashtnt/kleur
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Chess-anywhere now has an API! You can't actually play games with it yet, but it marks a few important features that allow me to do cursed and cool stuff in the future • Authentication! Featuring magic email links since I'm too scared to store and validate passwords in a secure manner. • games over web APIs! Not implemented yet but should be fully possible now. • games over capnproto
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. Who doesn't like binary RPC speeds? • games that can be played across platforms! (I had to rework the internals to prepare for this) • Storing games, moves, and results in a database. This means I can give stats and potentially output PGN from a web API for a game • ...and fixing many edge cases that would allow you to login and play games on other peoples accounts. Oops
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. Check it out @ github.com/Suyashtnt/chess-anywhere and API docs at chess-anywhere.wobbl.in/api (note: hosted on my desktop for now. Will be down when developing stuff and there are weird bugs)
chess-anywhere got a bunch of new features! It's still discord only but I've set the foundation and reworked it to allow multiple platforms • DM games! Instead of only being able to play in servers, you can now run games inside of DMs • Move autocompletion! Wanna see all the pieces your queen can take? Just type in Qx and it'll list all the possible moves starting with that • Notifications when the other player makes a move. Simple QOL thing • A refactored codebase to allow the backend service to start a game with a player on discord. This makes it possible to start games from other services! Github repo: github.com/Suyashtnt/chess-anywhere Discord invite link to mess around in: discord.gg/bBsNn68tqh
Chess-anywhere now has an MVP in discord! Theres still a lot of work to be done and I already need to despaget it but it's working! Github repo: github.com/Suyashtnt/chess-anywhere
Anybody here working on a tauri app? Do you want a nicer way to handle state/variables syncing between tauri and your frontend? Well I have just the thing for you: Announcing tauri-plugin-state : a dead simple state management library for tauri that has some nice ergonomics. Simply initialize the plugin, wrap your state in the State struct, and enjoy your new synced state! There's also a frontend npm package to handle recieving and processing the state changes on the frontend Cargo: crates.io/crates/tauri-plugin-state Npm: www.npmjs.com/tauri-plugin-state Source code: github.com/glowsquid-launcher/glowsquid/tree/dev/libs/tauri-plugin-state
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Glowsquid can now persist state through the power of sqlite! It now has a database containing auth info and is setup to allow encryption of accounts in the future
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Glowsquid now has basic account management! This took a huge amount of effort since all the state is handled on the backend, which means I have a pretty interesting solution for state management: • Tauri/rust opens the Svelte app • Svelte listens for state_change events, and then emits a sync_ready event. Svelte internally stores a reactive state map of all state objects and their keys, which is used to identify them on both sides • Tauri then recieves the sync_ready event and creates and sends the state objects down to the frontend. The state objects themselves are smart, and whenever they're updated they send an event to the frontend saying they were updated with a new value • The end result: State being perfectly synced to the frontend 100% of the time
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All of this is completely typesafe as well thanks to specta . I also had to update the internal copper Minecraft library to allow serialisation of the Minecraft profiles it gets
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I've been working hard on Glowsquids backend for a while, but now heres some progress on the frontend! • Actually initialise the frontend project • Block out a header and accounts dropdown menu Still heavy WIP and the colourscheme shown isn't going to be the default, but it's better than the previous state of absolutely nothing Check out the repo @ github.com/glowsquid-launcher/glowsquid
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@Slackfm can now disconnect your account if you no longer want status updates. I also fixed a couple of bugs that should make it crash less often and added logging and error handling through the power of tracing and error-stack
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Presenting github.com/Suyashtnt/slackfm: a simple slack bot written in rust that connects your slack status to your last.fm now playing! You can test it out in the hack club server right now by running /connect <lastfm name>!
bootstrapped a tauri project, sveltekit app, and sveltekit library for the frontend of glowsquid. Still need to get HMR working during development
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New copper (Minecraft launcher library) feature: saving and loading tokens from disk! it's recommended to encrypt them but I've just stored it in json for the example
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50% done with a big refactor! Now assets and libraries are downloaded more efficiently and have stricter APIs that should prevent a lot of issues I previously made
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