

3-day streak
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FINALLY DAY 10 (i think), today i did some work on my game polyworld, and im only like 3.20$ away from steam license on #C086MACKK43|! • Improved itch page • Made a terrain
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Day #C0803PEU877| of #C045S4393CY| (soon fudge
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). Today i did some minor work on my open world game • Made it so server stores the currently held item for players to that when players join that can be synced
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Today is day #C07TTG7NVPX| of #C045S4393CY| (i took a 1 day break yesterday), today i worked on the site for #C08EL3G9K2B| Uses svelte, and stuff uh idk. I spent a lot of time making shit work cause it kept on breaking
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10daysinpublic emoji
Day #GQU39BB50| of #C045S4393CY|!!!!! Today i didnt code as much as i wanted, but i still coded for around 40min, countinued work on my open world game polyworld!!!!!!1111111!!! • Set up some syncing of variables to server only with a interval of 0.1 (syncs to server only cause other players shouldnt know health and stuff). This is base of persisntent data and stuff. • Added death, when u die u drop all your stuff and respawn at x=0, y=10, z=0. Last img is respawn code to respawn, second to last is part of drop code
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Day #C0806K243T4| of #C045S4393CY|! Today im still countinuing work on my mulitplayer open world game #C08EL3G9K2B| • Minor code optimization and fixes • Added better syncing of items and world objects, specifically it initally stores and updates on server too so when ppl join they all see the same and current state instead of some random state. First ss is server
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Day #5 of #C045S4393CY|, today i kept working on my open world game #C08EL3G9K2B|
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: • Fix some minor sync issues and did some code optimizations • Added crafting to the game (pain)
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Day 4 of #C045S4393CY|, today I didn't do that much but worked around an hour on my open world game! • Made tool animations sync accross clients • Fix minor issue in health bar anchor • Add so you could attack players Tmrw: durability bar, and maybe crafting :p Sadly I'm on phone so can't get brand new screenshots, but ill do tmrw and reply in this thread with them, here is a SS of the axe anim cause it's the most relevant I have on my phone
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Day #3 of #C045S4393CY|! Today i still countinued work on my open world game. • Added new class ToolItem which is just tools and stuff, extends BaseItem, and Harvestable which is for harvestables • Coded tools (rn just axe) to work and harvest from harvestable (rn just tree) • Made tree give resources, and dissapear for all clients once chopped down • Made holding tool sync with all clients, so they see u holding it Soon ill fight next boss, but gamme gotta be fun first it says
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This was an actual pain
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why did i choose to make a multiplayer game
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Day 2 of #C045S4393CY|! Today i countinued work on my open world game: • Added dropping items (which syncs accross clients ofc) (i discovered i cant send nodes or more classes over RPC
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) • Fixed some multiplayer and sync issues • Added credits page with button on main menu • Made github repo public and uplodaded binaries to itch for first #C086MACKK43| fight
Day #1 of #C045S4393CY|, today I worked on my open world game and: • Fixed some visual bugs when loading into world • Added an inventory so when no space in hotbar it goes there • Made a mock player for the server so server didn't need to have a whole CharacterBody3D and stuff • Prevent you from picking up items when you have no space • Looked at some gamedev legal shit (Im just gonna publish without a legal entity
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) • Made #C08EL3G9K2B| (polyworld is game name) and made clickup send when status of stuff changes
added followin
added embeds and much much more
added a lot on my social media platofmr
navbar go brrrrrrrrr
Made basic ui for my project yesterday
shipped game update today 🔥
made an uh interesting track (its supposed to be dark)
working on settings page for update, might ship today
(yesterday) shipped my game and got some of those shiny doubloons
💪 logged 6 hours today