

0-day streak
Day 5 of <#C045S4393CY|> scrapyard fomo :( but i did cook on my personal site! • added a header + footer • did this cool text cursor thingy :D its coming together, but I do need to work out a better theme
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UI design is not my finest skill
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Day 4 of <#C045S4393CY|>
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I made the scroll indicator disappear when you scroll down :D also added more info abt myself Working on right after this post + tmr: • adding a header + footer • adding more pages like a portfolio
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Day 3 of <#C045S4393CY|> I darkened the background and had a fight with tailwind to replace background-image with &lt;img&gt; (still didn't do what I want
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) I got this cool scroll thingy working tho :D
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day 2 of <#C045S4393CY|> I decided to try smth new and use vite + react for the first time!
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were errors caused? definitely. regretted using npm then changed to bun? yup. struggling with the frontend library chaos? 100% still am. but did I have fun? oh 1000% I'm excited to see this come to life :D there's what I got so far, will get the rest and some formatting fixed up, but this is going great :D
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Starting my first day of #C045S4393CY|
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Got this figma mockup where I want it to be :D, will get cooking tmr on making this reality
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did some work on the websocket and working that into the bot
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take a look for more at #C07R889PURK| btw (shameless plug) nothing too much to show but checkout a flow chart planner type thing to map out the work I'm doing/did and some UI already done :D
Added blahaj.click to my url shortener at url.felixgao.dev (tysm Aarya) :D preparing for v3
Final day of <#C07NUNPGEU8|>!
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The QR code generator is complete, here are the highlights from that: • Nest admins struggled to add my domain
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• Added the
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logo to the generator • Modified CSS to make that work And some quick edits to the URL shortener: • Moved to an .env file so that was pure chaos • Fixed some errors caused by my bad code practices
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Find both projects here! qr.felixgao.dev & url.felixgao.dev Find my nest project series repo here: github.com/felixgao-0/my-website
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Day 9?/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|> My QR code generator is practically (and most importantly... shippably) complete! Here are the features: • Create a qr code which can link to any text or URL (get a URL with url.felixgao.dev!) • Add an image to brand it (custom images coming soon™️), make it hack club themed for your hc projects! • Download the qr code as a SVG or PNG _without_ signing up for a newsletter (cough cough most "free" pdf websites cough) Coming soon to Nest at <http://qr.felixgao.dev|qr.felixgao.dev>, not there yet but expect it by tmr!
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Day ?/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|> I realized that, turns out that using buttons with a background image in CSS doesn't make for good accessibility
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(Tried that with a screen reader, horrible lol). I really want to make accessibility a priority so time to redo my entire button code
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No good screenshots yet, nothings working very well (smth to do with the hc theme CSS it seems, the radio btns aren't showing?). But you can see how scuffed my coding is!
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Day ?/10 of #C07NUNPGEU8|(help i forgot) I've been gone for the last 2 days but I'm here to make up for it! Css still kinda #C02EXAC2WR0|. What happened? • There are now options for adding images in the center (WIP) • More hack club themed! (Thanks open source :) ) • There's a download button now! • Changed libraries for more features
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This has been amazing :) Find a link for this project soon
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Day 3/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|>! Today I finished most of the URL shortener's small things :). URLs are now scanned for malware before they are shortened. I'm getting started on a QR code generator
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! So far I have the basic generation done (I might have to swap the library for more features
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). Slightly #C02EXAC2WR0| but oh well (I promise it will look better, also gonna be hack club themed cause that's gonna give me an excuse to try out this typescript + next.js idk thing lol) url.felixgao.dev for the URL shortener, QR code generator isn't live yet ):, coming soon ™️!
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Day 2/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|>! Ok I was down on day 1 due to wifi issues but I'm in action 1 day later with changes to my URL shorter! What happened? • I double-checked my code and pushed turnstile to production (is that the right word?)! • I continued work on URL virus detection Find my URL shortener here! url.felixgao.dev Find my progress on hakatime! waka.hackclub.com/summary?interval=any&project=my-website Oh... and I'm doing some Qr code and virus detection testing here! waka.hackclub.com/summary?interval=any&amp;project=test-qrcodes
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My URL shortener's glowup! In my last scrapbook, I created a simple URL shortener with bad CSS. I now come back with better (raw, felt crazy and adventurous lol) CSS! Enjoy the beauty and more security of this edition! Find the shortener here: url.felixgao.dev Find the README for this project here: github.com/felixgao-0/my-website/blob/Current/shortener/README.md Find the repo for my nest project series here! github.com/felixgao-0/my-website Note for reviewers: This project is in 1 large repo because its a part of all my Nest sites (and makes for easier push to prod haha - git pull go burr). Some commits were posted with Grolf. Find a video below! And enjoy!
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URL Shortener: A simple tool to shorten your URLs (will a wip in terms of visuals haha). Don't fear when you have to tell your friends to open the site (which is stupidly long lol) blog.shop.ca.www2.example.com/shopping/items/clothing/size_m/colour_red/?utm_source=idk&amp;utm_forgot=i_quit_this_url_is_too_long! Just simply open url.felixgao.dev/u/stupidlyLongUrl. Now isn't that shorter? Find the site here: <https://url.felixgao.dev/> Find the README for this specific feature here: github.com/felixgao-0/my-website/blob/Current/shortener/README.md Find a video demo below! Find the repo for all my other Nest things here: <https://github.com/felixgao-0/my-website> Note to reviewer: Some commits were posted with Grolf. The URL shortener is grouped into a repo with other projects because they are all related to each other (being all my nest sites). And it saves me time pushing changes to Nest
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. This is a repost, Hakkuun fell asleep and didn't ask me to donate any scraps
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URL Shortener: A simple tool to shorten your URLs (will a wip in terms of visuals haha). Don't fear when you have to tell your friends to open the site (which is stupidly long lol) blog.shop.ca.www2.example.com/shopping/items/clothing/size_m/colour_red/?utm_source=idk&amp;utm_forgot=i_quit_this_url_is_too_long! Just simply open url.felixgao.dev/u/stupidlyLongUrl. Now isn't that shorter? Find the site here: <https://url.felixgao.dev/> Find the README for this specific feature here: github.com/felixgao-0/my-website/blob/Current/shortener/README.md Find a video demo below! Find the repo for all my other Nest things here: <https://github.com/felixgao-0/my-website> Note to reviewer: Some commits were posted with Grolf. The URL shortener is grouped into a repo with other projects because they are all related to each other (being all my nest sites). And it saves me time pushing changes to Nest
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<https://github.com/felixgao-0/Hack-Club-AI-Bot|Bartosz's AI Competitor> Note: The bot doesn't exist on this Slack at a moderator's request Find a repo here on how to host it yourself
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: github.com/felixgao-0/Hack-Club-AI-Bot
Part 2: Sry reviewers lol
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Small Storytime: A few weeks ago, a friend of mine had their account hacked on Discord. The attacker socially engineered them into changing their recovery email. They recovered their account since, but I wondered, how could companies prevent this? For such large companies, the best they can do is a bit of "don't share your 2fa code" in the bottom corner of an email. Some don't even include stuff like this anymore. The goal of this project is to show what companies can do (If only they cared) to improve their services and to prevent the daily scams that cause people to lose millions. View the example login page here: replit.com/@CoolDude9000/Email-changing-protection View the concept and demo code here: github.com/felixgao-0/Email-changing-protection
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My Alarm Clock, revived! I found out that The Bin actually doesn't provide multiple of a single part, oops! So the new iteration of my alarm clock features a ✨ keypad ✨. Some features of the clock: • A dimming display in dark environments (So you don't get blinded by the clock at night) • Well.. an alarm and snooze function (Hold button to end, short press to snooze) • A functional keypad with many functions See a video demo below (Look for the music particles instead of sound to show the alarm is active D: sry) and look at the README.md in my repo for more! github.com/felixgao-0/Clock-Circuit
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Nest Resource Monitor: A simple monitor to view your CPU, memory, and storage usage and limits on Nest (or anywhere else really, but designed for Nest). Not setup on Nest yet. Note for reviewers: This is my repo for all of my nest site, I use this because I plan for everything here to be pushed to Nest automatically. My other projects are in separate repos. Also I went over 25 hrs (sry 🇨🇦), so I'm making another scrapbook post for the same project D: View a demo & the github repo for my entire Nest site here: replit.com/@CoolDude9000/Nest-Website monitor.felixgao.hackclub.app github.com/felixgao-0/my-website View a video below:
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On my quest to create Chrome Extensions to help out my life, a simple tool to use ChatGPT easily,. This works with tokens from #open-ai-token and (too poor, unable to test) normal OpenAI tokens! Find the repo here and a demo video below: github.com/API-Troubles/ChatGPT-Chrome-Extension
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Alarm clock! Future bin submission if they add the bin to Canada! This alarm clock features, well, an alarm! You can set an alarm, clear that alarm, snooze for 5 minutes, and stop the alarm. Whats unique is that the alarm will dim when not in use at night! I have a fan in my rm rn, and I love how it dims the lights with a button, so I worked that into my alarm clock, just more automatic! Find a video demo below, the repo, and wokwi link below: wokwi.com/projects/404303884404347905 github.com/API-Troubles/Clock-Circuit
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I'm just linking a bunch of sessions I abandoned lol, reviewers just reject them all and uhh glory to ur quotas ig lol (Also scrappy is forcing me to upload a picture lol)
Any math nerds interested in looking at some conjectures? Well here ya go! More coming soon tm. Just thought I'd share the 2 I already made. No seriously I will make more (And maybe stick in some other random math stuff lol)! github.com/API-Troubles/Conjectures
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A sprig game! *The following lore is just a joke, pls don't take seriously and don't sue me hack club This game is a timed prison game where you need to escape in 5 minutes. With some funny lore for the comedy points! The lore is as follows. You were caught committing ticket fraud. Instead of banning you, the hack club staff felt experimental. You are now locked up in arcade prison for LIFE. Is this legal? Idk. But you need to escape. Lucky for you, the arcade staff are busy waking up the 3 children responsible for Hakkuun up, so you have, let's say, 5 minutes. Hurry. Sprig PR: <https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/pull/2012> My repo w/ commits & code: <https://github.com/API-Troubles/Sprig-Maze-Game> Video demo below: Ignore the caught screen that was during previous testing. The video is ~2 minutes uncut.*
Wanted a currency converter? Needed to see how much your money is worth in Venezuela to feel rich? No? Just me? Oh well. Anyways, I have the not-so-medically-approved-really-though-I'm-not-a-doctor solution for you! github.com/API-Troubles/Currency-Converter Enjoy! Now I'm going to feel rich in Venezuela for a while.
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