🎉 Synchrotron is Somewhat Usable™️! 🎉 ❓ *What is Synchrotron? Synchrotron is a graph-based audio processing engine, inspired by tools such as Supercollider, Pure Data and the Blender node editor. What's more, it's written entirely in Python! :python: ❓ How do I use it? Install with `pip install git+<>`, then use the `synchrotron-server` command to start the server. You can connect to the server either through the `synchrotron-console` TUI, or using the web UI at <> ✨ ❓ What features does it have currently? • Standalone server for full versatility in various use cases • Custom DSL (domain-specific language) built from the ground up, called Synchrolang • Web server with documented REST API • Elegant and expressive Python API • (Almost) fully functioning web user interface • A variety of simple nodes to get started with • Support for live playback, accelerated rendering to WAV files, and MIDI input and processing ❓ How can I learn more? • Documentation is currently very limited, but I'd be more than happy to chat to anybody reading this about my project as I'm pretty passionate about it and proud of what I've managed so far! Fun fact, I have presented a live demo of Synchrotron to @clairebookworm and musician Charmaine Lee and they both have endorsed this project :O
Today I’m reading about cell aging 🦠 for a Medicine project, and I’ll be using “Lifespan - Why we age and why we don’t have to” , thanks @clairebookworm for some help for other reccs! Also I’m building a Biology/Neuroscience/Medicine Wordle. :wordle: 🧪
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It's been a while since I started having my Biology Lab classes and it's been awesome so far! 🌱 And tomorrow I'll have my first chemistry lab class! Also today I used @clairebookworm music visualizer and it was amazing! I tried it with Imagine Dragons music and a BOTW Lo-fi Playlist and it was great. :triforce: This reminds me I have to learn Three.js! Also I check out Spline! A very interesting 3D Design tool!!!
Today I finished the basic CSS part of my freeCodeCamp web development course! I also created a repo for my website! I plan to upload my files for it soon! Unrelated to code, I also started a new Spotify Account with the music I like and I've been discovering thanks to hack clubbers, also thanks @clairebookworm for following me back and for your awesome music recommendations!
ran a workshop for :teamliquid:'s hackathon with the help of @clairebookworm @jsneak @matthew. @jsneak and I built a multiplayer among us game in 5 hours right before the presentation ontop of @matthew's v2 of the personal website workshop & @clairebookworm team-carried the vibes through the whole thing. started with 100 attendees & ended with 160
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trying out memory league for the first time and DANG it is hard. shoutout to @clairebookworm i cannot comprehend how she can do this so well lol i got lost at 8 cards
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Day 2 of my hunt for the perfect note taking app this school year. @clairebookworm and @rjhangiani recommended Notion, and now I’m addicted 😆. I decided to take it for a spin and take notes of a youtube lecture on smart studying techniques, so far so good!
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nice job @clairebookworm w a sick p5 workshop 🙂 ! hoping my hardware grant goes through! yall there r 64 peeps in #osf and counting! check out #announcements, join #osf, and go to the OSF website to find out more info, rules, etc.!!!! TONS of gp for participants in OSF 🤑 :walter: 😁