

1-day streak
Day 10 of #C045S4393CY|
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I cleaned up a ton of Archimedes code! There's still a LOT of work left to do but this is already a really good start imo - probably will work on it a bit more next week? Not sure
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day ?? of #C045S4393CY|! - final bug fixes/vibecoded the order switcher for @Archimedes - check it out in #C05B6DBN802|! unfortunately i couldn't roll out the email bit for now which is a shame but oh well - read stripe docs a bit + learned about how credit card networks handle disputes - yap!
Day 10 of #C045S4393CY|! I shipped a bot called at-channel - if you've ever wanted to do a ping but don't have admin on Slack, this bot lets you do that - and as a bonus, replying in the thread won't mention everyone :) To get started, just run /channel to do a ping, or /here to do a ping! (if you're in a private channel, you'll first need to add @at-channel )
Day 8 of #C045S4393CY|! I finally managed to fix Vortex's SMTP service, by... restarting my VM 🙃 No clue why that was needed but oh well :p Also set up monitoring for #C07NZ6BFEEM| and set up UptimeObserver - would use UptimeKuma instead but I'd need a separate VM for that (ignore the investigating thing, it's up)
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Day 4 of #C045S4393CY|! Today I spent some time cleaning up the code for <redacted>'s Loops API - much more maintainable now imo :)
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The official switcher has CLS (because the image is loaded by the script tag) and requires loading external scripts + files on the client, so I decided to reimplement it in Astro! This has a number of benefits, such as: • The client doesn't need to contact directly (privacy!) • no CLS on the HC logo • colours are more aligned with my site's colours • bigger hitboxes for the next/previous buttons • doesn't need JS to work
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Day 2/10: Worked on getting into 512KB Club and 1MB Club (which involved setting up git-send-email
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)! Ended up just removing Sentry to do it (Astro is pretty damn efficient :p) and the homepage is now at 429KB :) Also added the HC webring switcher + 512KB Club badge + footer on all pages
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Day 1: Made my site's ( index page way faster, thanks to Astro server islands and pregenerating most of the page at build time!
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main thing today was archimedes work! • fixed some bugs w/ multi-author things • added a basic email template w/ react-email (but i might rip it out for mjml later) • added approval requests that are sent to a review channel (like prox2) • added dms when thing is approved/rejected • applied for (and received) access to hopefully I haven't leeked anything important :P
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started following matt brubeck's browser engine tutorial! i also added some tests and stuff to make my version more unique :)
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Added the Australia region and fulfilment descriptions to #C07UJMV9389|!
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Today I reworked some of Vortex's UI! Also added SSR (and then had to remove it since Vercel doesn't support it with React Router
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) and Umami.
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rewrote the vortex ( frontend from sveltekit to react router v7! also made it mobile friendly, added a "generate new" button, and fixed images/links sometimes breaking (due to cors)
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launched wakatime for figma in #C07TNAZGMHS|! also started debugging an issue that a firefox user was having (which i could not replicate at all
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) (also there are no errors
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completed aoc day 2! rust is fast
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• I added generated OG images! (e.g. not super pretty, and they don't show up on bsky for some reason, but they do show up on twitter/discord! • I also added some more OG tags in general, like the description and site name! • Actually added a favicon! • Switched to Vercel, because CF Pages didn't play ball with Sharp :/
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post for tuesday: worked on a basic poc for cyclone, an alternative to pterodactyl!
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post for wednesday: • mostly worked on my personal website • fixed status colours (turns out tailwind jit wasn't picking up on em) • fixed my blog post layout (it wasn't the proper width before) • updated the blog post preview • tried (and failed) to get og image generation working live at!
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created #C07NZ6BFEEM|, my first ever slackbot! it uses bolt and typescript, and is hosted on nest :)
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today I got started on a kotlin version of#C07J7TWESFQ|! rn i have: • a basic mod setup, with intellij setup on nest • an rpc server using javalin, websockets, and kotlinx.serialization • a placeholder /tokens command i also pruned ~3gb of unused stuff from my nest account to make room for gradle 😅
Tried to fix truncation and external links issue for Vortex, talked with a bunch of people to get (sub)domains, fixed CI, and removed ofetch.
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Contacted CF exec regarding sponsorship, tried to deploy zenith portal to cf pages, and worked thru lalrpop tutorial for #C07K0BPD39Q|!
Added Sentry to vortex's frontend and backend, fixed some linting and CI issues, added hostname to HELO/EHLO messages, and investigated bundle size issues (turns out the entirety of fakerjs is being added for some reason :/)
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Created a Tic-Tac-Tie game in Scratch (at 3am lol)
let's post!
Added Block Kit to #arcade-monitor's Slack messages, alerts now ping the Slack group, and emoji formatting is added to price and stock updates. Like what you see? Check out #arcade-monitor!
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test post
added 2 new maps to crusader, added sound, and made it so that you can go to the next level. i also added a new lava obstacle.
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fixed several bugs in my mini golf game for sprig! also added an instructions screen.
added an init command to dinopkg. it intelligently uses working directory name and git remotes to get default settings. it even has syntax highlighting!
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working on another sprig game, this time mini golf. (orange thing is a wip power indicator)
continued work on dinopkg, with: • run command • test command both with an implementation of the basic stuff (aka actually running the scripts)
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getting started on dinopkg, an alternative to npm written in rust! right now, there's a run command, which can parse package.json files (including ones in parent directories!) and get the script's command. code is at:
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added 6 new commands to phantom, changed font to JetBrains Mono, and added suggested commands when the command isn't found, using levenshtein distance. also cleaned up code quality and fixed a few bugs.
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Started working on Phantom, a fake OS that runs in the browser, with a persistent file system!
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I updated my site ( to make it more responsive and prettier!
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getting started learning react and react native. I created a basic counter app using expo, which can be paused and reset. I used this to learn about basic state management and RN fundamentals.
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got started on my arcade extension. it uses the arcade api to get session info, and can pause/unpause sessions, view time remaining, and get your session history!
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#arcade-monitor has been fully rewritten in Rust! It took half the development time of the TypeScript version, has tests to ensure that the many, many bugs of the previous version do not happen again, and has more descriptive update messages! Code is over at Want to be the first to know of stock changes or new items? Check out #arcade-monitor!
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goose-honk-technologist emoji
I rewrote the bot behind #arcade-monitor in Rust! it fixes several bugs of my previous implementation (including messages being sent twice) and already has a good foundation for the remaining work (diffing, persistence, and sending to a slack webhook) Code is at: Want to be the first to know about stock updates or new items? Check out #arcade-monitor!
I rewrote the bot behind #arcade-monitor in Rust! it fixes several bugs of my previous implementation (including messages being sent twice) and already has a good foundation for the remaining work (diffing, persistence, and sending to a slack webhook) Code is at: Want to be the first to know about stock updates or new items? Check out #arcade-monitor!
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today I finished some much needed code improvements, and fixed some major bugs in the implementation. I also made the cf worker be deployed on every commit. commits: •
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I cleaned up the code, and also used item diffs to make sure prices and descriptions work for updates. Like what you see? Check out #arcade-monitor!
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I built a cool Arcade Shop tracker over at #arcade-monitor! It scrapes the Arcade Shop every hour, diffs the current items with the old ones, and posts any new items or updates to Slack. If you want to be the first to know of increased stock or flash sales, you should definitely check out #arcade-monitor.
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got started on my 3d game for #fraps, using playcanvas! theme is "small world"
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after around a month of development, I'm proud to say that vortex is finished!
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I changed the mail list view to an accordion, and added the ability to actually view the emails. repo is at:
spring-of-making emoji now shows emails in the server list! that means that it sorta works now 🙂 usernames are now also persisted to localStorage. I've also added a ton of invisible improvements, to make it more conformant with the SMTP spec and improve stability. in other words, vortex is 90% done
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Added a header and theme switcher to vortex's frontend. I also used Faker to add a username generator, and implemented a mailbox list view (doesn't use the mime emails yet though)