

0-day streak
you know what they say... those who can, do. but those who can't come up with original ideas and have mild ocd, redesign their personal websites over and over!! 🚢 I'm shipping my new personal website, and this one's my favorite design yet. I took my time with this one, designing it on figma first and building it up over a month's time. The transitions are made with framer motion and the project thumbnails are made with canva. There's a bunch of easter eggs and hidden references on there, and many more to come—let me know how I did! deployed here >> github here >>
just 3d printed some stuff :)) — a filament painting made with hueforge and a tpu phone case prototype
i’m 3d printing gifts for friends before graduation! here’s a moving polar bear and seal thing :))
just redesigned my personal website and added a blog! i used notion as a cms for my blog and its been great
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Day 10 — painted more flaps today! this will definitely be a longer term project as i print more flaps, add hall effect functionality, and eventually make more units and sync them.
Day 9 — started painting the flaps for my split flap display! been having some leveling problems with my printer today so i only got a thru e stencils printed and painted
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Day 8 — I started printing stencils for painting on the text on my flaps. The paint and stuff are arriving tomorrow!
Day 7 — after a few hours of taking it apart, reassembling it, and staring at it, my split flap display suddenly started spinning normal again… no idea what caused the issue before but it good for now. i also updated my code to spin the motor more precisely so it doesn’t overrotate. tmr im gonna start painting the letters on the flaps and gluing the magnet on (the right way this time)!
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Day 6 — unfortunately not much progress today… i found out that i superglued the magnet backwards 😃 😃 😃, also an issue suddenly started where the drum would not turn smoothly at a certain region and i’ve been trying to troubleshoot it. hope it gets better tmr!
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Day 5/10 of #hardware-party!!
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oops, i missed a day, but i’m back. not many new updates about the split flap display — ive smoothed out some of the holes that the flaps are inserted into the drum so none of the flaps get stuck now. one thing im trying to look into rn is that sometimes it flips too many flaps than it should. (maybe the number of steps im making the motor turn is too many?) also im gonna label the flaps soon with the alphabet so it actually displays stuff lol. also… ive been 3d printing a moon lamp for a gift for a friend! check it out :))
Day 3/10 of #hardware-party!!
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Split-flap display: I added in the missing flaps from yesterday and wrote a short script to make more precise flips. It flips rather inconsistently, however. 😕 I also figured out the hall effect sensor, which detects magnets — i’ll use that as a homing mechanism to identify what letter the display is on.
Day 2/10 of #hardware-party!!
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Split-flap display: I got the stepper motor spinning and added some flaps! I’m starting out with blank flaps for now, I’m still missing a few flaps, and I’m still trying to figure out how to tune the rotation to be a bit more precise, but it’s coming a long pretty well.
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Day 1/10 of #hardware-party!!
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My project is a split-flap display, like those old black and white displays you see at train stations and airports back then! I got all of my parts, assembled my 3d printer, and already have been working on remixing some cad designs. Through many attempts (and many failed prints!), here’s what I got for my display so far. I’m gonna start playing around with motors and hall-effect sensors next! Also, I’m still in the process of 3d printing all the flaps 😁
just set up my sprig game on my sprig!!
day 1 of revamping my personal website!! im going for apple design vibes
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#10-days-in-public day 10/10 today, i mostly caught up on late school work since i grinded on the polistat website. we did get site analytics up though, we’re getting activity from twitter and some other sites which is cool.
#10-days-in-public day 9/10 polistat 2022 is officially published! our twitter and insta is up and we’re getting lots of views and reactions already 😁 anyways, today i added distribution previews for the homepage and i figured out how to set consistent sizing on candidate page images, since they were markdown generated. i also had to hard code in the two alaska candidates as republicans since their election is weirdunconventional. 😤 feel free to check out the website if you havent yet — we rerun our model twice a day!
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#10-days-in-public day 8/10 i worked on updating the methodology page of the polistat website! the class made some updates so i converted the changes into markdown — im thinking of making a md editor page so they can write their own md files in the future for the blog. also, i realized how to add remark/rehype plugins to next-mdx-remote, so now there’s footnotes, tables and more. that’s all for today :)
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#10-days-in-public day 7/10 did more work on my polistat project! i added an interactive line graph for chances of winning over time for all the races that we’re modeling. havent slept in like a week but ppl seem to like the website so far!
#10-days-in-public day 6/10 more on my polistat project: the site is officially launched (with a couple of features coming soon)! today i added a governor seat distribution chart and a methodology page based on the prediction model my class designed. check it out here:
#10-days-in-public day 5/10 i’ve been making bug fixes to the polistat website. i found an issue where the majority line wasnt in the right place, since we started adding new simulation data each day. i also fixed the 404 routing error that has been showing up as error 500 since i was using ISR fallback blocking. i’m currently working on formatting the methodology page with latex in markdown! — ill prolly be a long night 🥲
#10-days-in-public day 4/10 (i hope im not too late — i was busy grinding a feature and lost track of time) more on my polistat website project: i added an interactive senate seat distribution chart!! this took me so long ugh cuz i made it from scratch with svg paths and stuff, but i rlly like how it turned out! i got like a day left before my deadline for this project for school so hopefully i can get everything done 😭
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#10-days-in-public day 3/10 more updates on the polistat website im making for my class! (see previous posts for more details) today was mostly bug hunting, and i also improved the map a little bit. we also got it up on the school’s website (a bit too early actually! cuz the site’s not fully complete yet 😅) i gotta grind for the next couple of days to finish it up!
#10-days-in-public day 2/10 today i kept working on the polistat website for my class (see my day 1 post for more info) — the website’s going to have state and candidate descriptions for each senate and governor race, and we got everyone in the class to write md files. i set up an mdx file system that pulls md files w/ react components and renders pages for them. i spent some time today parsing through the files and fixing formatting errors that the class made 😅 im expecting the website to go live this weekend 😁
#10-days-in-public day 1/10 i finished some core features to the polistat website project i’ve been working on! our political statistics class is modeling the 2022 midterms and i’ve been tasked to make the interactive website for the whole class :)) — today i added a feature that pulls the latest prediction data and page markdown content from an external github repo as a cms. (the predictions in this screenshot is from example data)
second blair hack club meeting of the year — sprig workshop!! +@U01SP5VFYCR
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made a 2048 clone in sprig :))
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successful first blair hack club meeting of the year!!
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i made a scrapbook clone for my school's hack club with integration to discord and airtable!
my first hack club scrapbook post! here’s a (late) dump of assemble last week